Happy as can be, did you know about the Miss.Youngblood movie?

Okay I'm super excited right now, I can't even wait until 2011, not for a second. I want it to come so badly. I'm so excited I'm jumping up and down and spinning, it's so DIZZY MAKING - that was a clue. Can you guess it? THE UGLIES MOVIE IS COMING TO THEATERS BABY. Well so they say, I hope they make David the hot stud I pictured, to all the other "uglies" in the book he can be ugly but that doesn't mean he has to be for us. We're all "uglies" so he's gotta be cute in our eyes. Right?
I'm so excited. I can't wait to see the wonders of THE SMOKE come to life on the screen. Of course I CAN wait for the pretties because I kind of hate zane. Yeah I'm so pathetic I cried the first time He and the amazing Tally Youngblood kissed. I somehow knew that David and her were over for good. I think I was more upset then he was in the book.
Hoverboards and dumb founded pretties, mixed in with some spagbowl and a few hikes through the "rusties" I'm making sure to buy my bag of popcorn an a movie ticket. It'll be a long wait but it'll be worth it. I hope ! <3

p.s. I would kill for a David in my life. He's amazing, and sweet. Guess Tally didn't fully wire her way through the pretties "spell." If she did she would have come to her senses and realized that David is the "one."
July 8th, 2009 at 04:07pm