this week

this week i have joined a new program HIRED
I am 14 and not old enough to get a job, when i am 15 which will b AUG14 the 2nd day of school i can get an apprentice ship through HIRED and i will still get paid (technically) a job.

I have had to get up early because my mother has to go to word @ 8 and the clsss starts @ 10. I have no one to drive me therefor i have to stay @ the commissary and then walk 2 the ys. During my 2 hrs of waiting i have started a new story,

usually i can't stay with a story but so far i have done good and finished 8 whole pages. I have started a bunch of songs during the summer and will be finishing them up soon, i will post my story when i have 2 or 3 chapters finished.

I have also been learing german,

I have done really well this summer and am proud of myself, but yall probably don't care

last week my brother had a beautiful little girl named taya, i will post some pics later

I have spent almost everyday (no exageration) (idk if spelling is correct) with my Best Friend since she was born,

I have improved my terrible pronounciation and my depressed emotions, still u probably don't care

we got a new pool lining yay

in june i wuz hoping 2 go camping but not enough people signed up

they have another camping trip next week, but only my mother and i were goin 2 go
she got that week off, and now my aunt and uncle supposedly got the same week off (not knowing my mom did 2) so they will b coming down, and we will b camping, fishing and golfing

there is another camping trip but they will b gone on the 29th and that is the JB concert ( which i will b going 2) and i will always choose the jb concert

my school schedule is screwed up again 4 the 2 time and i can't talk to them till the 21st
I might just go 2 pleasant ridge ( which i think suck and don't have any of my friends,just enemies) but my dad and girlfriend r trying 2 convince me to go 2 pleasant ridge (probably so i don't have to live with them during the school year,( because of transportation issues, my mother can't drive me) on the second or third week of school i get to go the new mexico 2 c my half brothers and sister.

can't wait

k i will stop talking now and get some rest
July 9th, 2009 at 07:13am