
Dear World,
I do feel very noobish on this site. I guess it's because I am, and might always be, a noob. Joy, joy.
Of course, I need help. I'm inexperienced on this Mibba site. How do you change the layouts on the profile? THE Profile. Haha.
That is my major holdback. I've already got down the fonts the colors and the advantages of having the Mibba tutorial for codes favorited on my internet toolbar. :D
Let me just say that so far I'm having an great experience here. :D Lots of people are saying hello. Very friendly, sort of scary, but I will be able to deal with it. -Shifty Eyes.-
Did you know journal entries had to be at least one hundred words long?
So. Anybody willing to walk me through a detailed instruction on how to edit the profile? Anyone? DX
July 9th, 2009 at 07:08pm