Summer, Summer, Summer!!

Hey guys it's 9:16 in the evening here and i am bored so I'm going to do a little random thing.

I want to know your most embarrassing or most funny or most scary or most memorable, whatever memory/event that has happened to you or someone else you know.

So if you have a memory, story, eveny or whatever that you wanna share then message me and put your user name in the message or if you want to be anonymous then don't sign it or just tell me you don't want your name on it. All stories will be put on this journal and if you don't want to submit a true story then make one up, doesn't matter or don't send one in and just look at all the stories and leave comments but please don't leave bad comments lets all be civil and if you want your story removed when posted thats cool too I'm not gonna judge so can't wait to see what decide to send.

Can't wait, Mhai

---> tell me if it's a fake story or a real story. etc
July 10th, 2009 at 04:26am