Spread Love Like Money

I dunno what went on in my head, but on various $1, $5, and one $10 bills, I just wrote "Peace" on the front and "Spread Love" on the back.

When I thought about my action afterwards, it made extreme sense. You know, spread love like money. Make love and peace more than a word. Make it a statement. You can buy someone a gift, you can give it to those in need, or you can need it yourself and use it. But, like, think it through. And if money is so easy to give and pass on and use, why not love? Why not peace? Why is it these seem like such unattainable goals that are more like dreams than plans for the future?

Sure, it's far-fetched, and yes, it's prolly just an excuse for my abnormal hippie behavior, but what can I say, that's probably exactly what had been going on in my mind as I pulled out the pen, grabbed my wallet, and decided I was going to spend my money soon, just to help show the world some love.
July 10th, 2009 at 09:59am