Funny to find, I am a hypocrite.

About four years ago, my sister tried pot for the first time. She told me. I flipped out.

-Cut to a DARE drug progam everyone has seen in 6th grade-
Teacher: Weed is a gateway drug. Side effects. Blah fucking blah. Im just talking for the sake of "educating" you. When ive done pot before- blah blah blah.
-End (strangely accuate) Scene-

Yeah. I was mad at her. I made her promise she'd never do it again. I thought she'd die. I thought she was ruined for the rest of her life. Sure, extreme cases have happened but I didnt know that that didnt happen to every single person who ever touched a joint before.
I cried. For a good half hour with her. Weed was bad. I had been "taught."
Turns out, more like fucking brainwashed.

I am a Hypocrite. A big fat lying Hypocrite. (hah hippo...-no im not stoned right now).
Because I, the same person who 4 years ago scolded another for smoking weed, have tried weed. And done it again. And again. Okay maybe some of those 'agains' were in the same day.

Point is! I did it. When i was so hell bent on her stopping. Because its so bad for you.
I'm such a hypocrite. I dont know what changed, but I did. I changed and theres no going back.

I'm not sure ill ever tell her i did it. I dont think she'll ever ask. But if she did.
Would i tell the truth?

Im not sure i can handle her giving me that look while she told me to my face,
"You are a hypocrite."

She'll stare me down.
Who knows? I could start crying.
I'll look in her eyes. She'll see the truth. I'll mumble some kind of apology. Maybe an excuse.
She'll look in my eyes. And quite possibly say,

"Now lets get fucking high."
July 10th, 2009 at 01:12pm