So, I finally got around to Spider-Man 3...

So, My first Mibba journal, and it goes toPeter Parker [Or well.... James Franco]. Since, I don't really know what qualifies for a journal... Is this good? Tell me if its not. I'll probably waste more than one journal on my movie reviews.

But anyway,
Its not as good as I remember the other two being. I don't know if the fault gets pushed onto the fact that MaryJane just annoys the hell out of me for most of the movie, or if Peter Parker himself wins for making me practically choke on my own laughter. Really? Peter Parker is not a cool guy, and he should never try to be cool. Dancing in public, as if you're really dancing to music, is not cool. You just look like a psychosonofabitch. Wouldn't he guess from the looks of the women around him?

And another thing; Why can't MaryJane just be happy for Peter? Why does she have to be as big as him, in a whole different way? She didn't get bitten by the radio-active spider; she's not special. And she doesn't have a good enough voice to be on Broadway. Get over it. Hell, she should feel special enough getting loved by Spiderman. And I mean, What a bitch! Refusing his proposal, and never giving him the time to speak? Geeze. I don't think I could handle being either man nor lesbian with woman who can like that.

One more thing; a major thing. Peter Parker is way too chipper to take on the role of bad ass venom. His tough-guy attitude didn't carry well. And plus, when he got super angry and mad? Did anybody notice that he looked sorta like a turtle? I did. It sort of ruined the mood, when I was laughing through about half the movie? It was no longer action, it was comedy.


Thats just.... I don't even know. Wrong? He's got such baby-doe eyes to play a mean character. It doesn't suit him.

I must say though, James Franco [The only name that really stands out to me in the entire cast] makes up for Peter Parker's lame emo-ness. All that boy has to do is smile, and it makes the movie just the little bit better to keep watching it. Its sad they had to kill him off, even if he was sort of a psycho path. :[

But really, he's hot. :]

ImageMaybe not Sonny Moore or Frank Iero hot, but he's got a pretty good smile on him.

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July 10th, 2009 at 08:15pm