My Sister's Keeper

Okay so today I went to see My Sister's Keeper and I think it is one of the most beautiful, touching films I have ever seen. The actors are phenomenal especially Cameron Diaz and Sofia Vassilieva. I spent the whole film in tears and it has really got to me. Even walking out of the cinema was horrible. My friends Hayley and Zoe were crying too and I think that's why I couldn't hold myself together.

But the films itself made me think about myself so much. I mean I claim I'm depressed when I'm having bad day or cry when I can't do my homework or fall out with friends. Now I feel silly and stupid, there is people out there dying, in pain and terminally ill but yet I kick up a fuss over the simplest of things. I guess it just opened up my eyes to the world around me and really made me want to change the way I am. I would defiantly recommend the film to anyone.
July 11th, 2009 at 12:25am