Warped Tour 2009 7-7-09

The day starts off with an interesting ride to Verizon Wireless Music Center.
My friend decides to go to ehow.com and look up how to have sex.
So she reads us the 'directions' on how to do this.
It's pretty freakin funny.
Then we had a potty break at Mc Donald's.
It was okay.
After that we finish driving the way to Verizon and we see these old people driving and they have a Devil Wears Prada sticker on their back window. I'm like 'WTF' but it was pretty funny and they ended up turning into Warped too.
It was really interesting.
So we get out and head toward the gate. Of course we got mobed by band selling their cds.
It was scary.
I got suckered into buying one and my friends did too.
After that we go closer to the gate and guess who we see walking toward us?
Pat Kirch, Kennedy Brock, Garrett and Trey Nickelsen holding signs
I almost freak out and have a teenie moment.
Trey tries to sell a cd to my friend Amanda. She didn't buy it though. haha
I got my pic with Pat, Garrett, and Kennedy. Then got an amazing hug from Kennedy too.
It was great! ;]
After that we move up further and we run into Pat Brown. He says. 'Come see us at 12:15.' and of course we said we'd be there. We get pics and he disapears.
So we stand there in the sweltering sun for another 20 minutes.
In between these times I run over to Pat and Kennedy to some videos for my friend Amanda.
Then more hugs from Kennedy.
So after all this, the gates finally open.
We go in.
Then go find the big blow up thing with the times on it.
Get our times for the bands we want to see and we're off.
We went to the potty again because Amanda went all Greta on us.
So we go into this place and see A Rocket To The Moon's tent.
And Nick is there.
I bought a shirt and got a picture with him.
It was epic.
Then we spot The Maine's tent and see Joel from This Century there.
My friend and I get pics with him. And I make another video, or try to anyway.
Then we head over to the Hurley stage to see Sing It Loud play.
Front row, hoes!
It was a pretty freakin sweet set.
Nate Flynn like jumped into the crowd right in front of me. It was very awkward because his crotch was basically in my face.
Amanda held hands with him and melted. And afterwards she grabbed his butt when he was crowd surfing. It was really funny.
So we go to hang out with Sing It Loud.
We see Garrett selling merch at The Maine tent.
I attempt to get another video.
Then we go to meet Sing It Loud.
Ben, Pat, and Kieren are there.
Amanda is impatiently waiting for Nate so she can give him his hotwheel.
So I sneak off to get a pic with Kieren and when I come back to Amanda she already gave Nate his hotwheel.
I was disapointed because I didn't get to see it.
Anyways after that I got a video for Amanda.
Then we go to find a the stage where A Rocket To The Moon is playing.
We walk around for about a long time until we finally found it.
Watched them play and then we went to go meet them.
When we got there there was already some people in line.
So we meet A Rocket To The Moon.
They signed my shirt. haha
Amanda got a poster and Eric got it for her. She secretly freaked out.
So after that we seen VersaEmerge at their tent.
I bought a shirt and cd, they all signed it.
I got pictures.
Anthony put a peta sticker on my arm. I was weirded out but it 's whatever.
Then I got another video for Amanda.
It made me lol.
We walked around for awhile.
Then we sat down and waited for some really weird band to get done and VersaEmerge to play.
We got front row again, bitches!
It was really awesome.
Even though Devin kept like doing some weird move.
It was a good set.
Then we spoted Red Car Wire's tent.
And met Evan and Josh.
They were sweet.
I got a t-shirt. It's pretty cool.
Then it was time to see The Maine.
So we head off to the Hurley stage.
We see Sean and Ryan at The Maine tent
I ask Sean to make a video for Amanda but he has to go perform.
So I have to wait an hour.
Then we wander over to Sing It Loud's tent (it's right next it)
And Ben talks me into buying some sunglasses.
Because it's Ben. :D
Now we go wait for The Maine
Wait awhile
And I get stuck next to this really tall red headed man girl, and this really horny couple that kept making out every ten seconds. But worth it since I was in the close front and on Kennedy's side.
They play and during their cover song people around me throw sugar packets at them and they give me one too and I throw it.
It was fun even though I almost died.
So we run from there and I plop down by Sing It Loud's tent to watch their acoustic set.
It was really awesome.
Nate did some really weird dancing and he sang too.
It was funny.
By that time it was time to see Red Car Wire.
Watched them play an amazing set. Front row again!
Evan said he liked when people wore their homemade free hugs shirts and by the end of the day when it's all sweated off it says free ugs.
It made me laugh.
Then we went and met the rest of them.
They were really sweet.
After that we went to There For Tomorrow's tent and got a picture with all of them.
I got a hug from Maika. It was amazing!
Then we went to Sing It Loud's tent again. haha
I got my sticker that Ben owed me and I asked Nate what he thought of his car.
He said it was on his poptart box. I was like 'OMG'
Then we went to find the AP tent
It was too late, they were taking it down.
I was like 'grr'
So we were going to leave so we could have time to find Denny's.
Then as we are walking by There For Tomorrow's tent we see Chris trying to sell CD's.
We got pictures with him and I got one with Christian.
After that we left and got fresh in the car so we wouldn't smell like BO
We found Denny's after going to two wrong ones.
So we go in their order our food and potty.
My friend Amanda goes to find her keys and she can't find them.
So her and Christina go outside and they are in the car.
And the car is locked.
So we all like freak out because we weren't supposed to be at Denny's and now we would have to call her Grandpa to come unlock the door.
So Amanda is like crying and freaking out.
I'm freaking out on the inside.
So Amanda goes outside to call her grandma and she sees Sing It Loud walk in.
She comes in a little bit later and like basically is still freaking out and crying.
But her dad is on his way and he says she will get her car taken away for a long time.
So she starts really crying.
I get this wonderful idea.
I'll see if Nate can cheer her up.
So I go to his table where fans are taking pictures with him and Pat.
I tell him the deal and he's like "We're talking about Amanda right?!"
Of course I say yes. I was shocked he remembered her name.
I have to wait for them to finish taking pictures with people.
I did and he comes over. Pat does too but goes to the bathroom.
I tell Nate to come sit next to me and he talks to Amanda telling her stories on how he locked his keys in his car and house.
It was really sweet.
After he talked to her, he gave her a big hug.
She felt a lot better after that.
Then we ask Ben to sit with us but it lasted for like 5 seconds.
I was 'whatever'
Then as Sick Boy is coming out of the bathroom my friend Christina asks him in a really creepy voice if she can have a hug.
He gives her one and says "Why wouldn't I give you a hug?"
And when he walks away she says "Because I'm a creeper."
It was really funny.
So then her dad gets there and go to pay our bill and leave.
I go up to Sick Boy and get a hug before we leave.
He smelled really good.
So we get in the car and follow her dad home since we can't really find our way back.

That was my Warped Tour 2009
It was amazing!
Oh and Amanda didn't get in trouble and DIDN'T get her car taken away.
July 11th, 2009 at 05:21am