Love; the Reality of it All.

Falling in love.

Does it ever get annoying when the people around you just keep searching for it?

Does it ever get annoying when the person you know becomes totally different in front of the one they want, as if they're becoming as fake as plastic?

I wish there was an off button for it.

Falling in love is spontaneous and can't happen on command like you'd wish it to. Falling in love is inevitable. People fall and fall, and sometimes they fall to rock bottom and have no choice but to pick themselves up, and later, they trip and fall again.

Love isn't something that comes on command, although it may come and go as it pleases.
Love isn't something that everyone recieves, although it is something that everyone wants.
Love isn't for the weak-hearted either; it's difficult. No one said it would be easy, although it's rare, love is sometimes a smooth trail for some, while for others, it's like taking a drive on a bumpy road.

It's not easy. You have to be dedicated to the person you're with because cheating isn't right. You have to be patient because the one you care for can and may and will get on your nerves. You have to be understanding because the person you're with will have flaws, but you can't let that stop you from caring.

Love comes in the form of everything.

Those little kisses they give you.
Those random hugs you share.
The conversations that you have.
Those smiles that brighten your day.
The hand-holding and the cuddling.
The soft, but audible "I Love You".
The way your heart beats faster at the sound of their name.
The quiet days where you do nothing but sit with each other, or look into their eyes.
Sometimes, even in a gift, although they shouldn't have to buy you a lot of things for you to know that they even care.

Love shouldn't have to be material.

Sometimes love doesn't last, but it doesn't have to end either.

When couples argue, they should hear each other out first, then apologize because one day, you just might not be okay and you never want your last words to be out of anger and spite.

Being in love, is sweet and it's also a decision for us to make.

People can't be in love when they're unstable themselves. How can you expect to take care of another when you can barely fend for yourself right?

People can't be in love when they result to sneaking around. You only get caught, if in some form or way, you felt like you wanted to.

People can't be in love when they pick at every little thing that isn't "right" or doesn't go the way they want it to.

People can't be in love when they don't talk about their problems (that may in some way affect the relationship), or when they won't listen.

Love isn't something that's planned, and isn't easy by any means, but if you work at it; if you listen to each other, if you talk to one another, if you share your burdens so you don't feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders, then you may have your fairy tale ending.

Then again, if you can't find love, maybe you should take matters into your own hands and search. You'll never know what or rather, who you'll find.

When you're in love (even in the most crappiest relationship as it may seem), it is given a chance to be repaired and mended with every argument, with all the tears, if you so choose so. By again, talking it out, or listening; and finding the common ground. It's just up to us to fix the problems that we create.

You don't have to listen to me, because after all, I am only fifteen, but this is just simply how I feel about it. Some of you could even say I'm stupid for feeling this way then again; sticks and stones may break my bones but your words may never hurt me. ;)

"Looking for love, only makes it run away because even though you think you're ready, you are not. When you finally just stop looking and learn to take care and love yourself, you might just get the e-mail, the call, the run-in on the busy street or the knock on your door you've been waiting for." --MMRPB, aka Talk.To.The.Walls./InevitablyYours
July 11th, 2009 at 11:15am