Why does this seem to happen?

I'm not looking that much into the future. I'm trying to figure out what high school is going to be like, what my plans are for the summer. How to ditch my parents when they just get too annoying. Falling in love is not on my list.

I have decades left to do all of that. But then it is called FALLING in love for a reason. You don't go looking for it, it finds you. And suddenly your head over heels for someone.

Thankfully, I'm nowhere near that point. Yet I can't help wondering "What if?"

I travel around a lot with my horses; hey its a money maker. And meeting people is just part of the job. While i was in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, I met him.

And I'm calling him Kellen. ( He looks nothing like a Kellen, but its the closest one to his actual name.)

Now, I'm loud outgoing, constantly smiling, and in your face. Kellen is one of the shyest people I have ever met. But we're both adventurous, love animals, and charming. And I'm only beginning to know him.

He doesn't talk much, yet I'm okay with that. He's a nice country boy, and someone that makes me laugh and smile endlessly.

Not the tall, dark, and handsome type. And i like that. And thankfully, he's not a musician. I'm done dating musicians.

This is starting to sound the beginning of UP. Kellen can be Carl. I can be Ellie. After all, opposites attract. I'm starting to think that i really like this boy.

Here's the issue. He lives in Calgary.

Thats a 14 hour drive to my town. And I will rarely see him but for a few weeks a year, and soon thats not going to be happening as my family slowly gets out of the horse business. And to add insult to injury, he's 2 years older.

Yeah, yeah i know 2 years is not a big deal. But it is when your teenagers. I'm going to be a junior when he starts college. Thats gonna be big.

Any possible relationship with Kellen is doomed from the start practically. So why can't I let him go? I suppose that I will just have to enjoy the time that I do have with him. Its probably limited.
July 11th, 2009 at 11:49pm