Day one- the earth is round

Okay, so today I decided I am going to write an online journal, I will write in it every chance I have and therefore I will probably have a million entries, but I figured it might interest someone so.. yeah and keep in mind, that all of the events though in no way fictional are likely exaggerated some, it happens, just build a bridge and get over it.

The earth is round

yeah I know, it's amazing isn't it?

Today I woke up in my room, and it was WAY too early to be awake yet so I cuddled back up under my blankets and closed my eyes and tried to sleep some more, there was no way I was getting up at like seven. I sighed and punched my pillow into a better shape and snuggled with the stuffed doll I've had since I was three. I know some people would find it weird that I still sleep with stuffed animals but I got it when I was three, during that time you kinda get attached to the little critters. So I put one head under my pillow and let my mind wander, I was nearly asleep when the storm started.

First the storm started off with fairly calm rain and scattered thunder, it started to pick up a little but I paid no attention, I just pulled a pillow over the side of my head so I had a chance of getting back to sleep. My mind began to wander again but that's when I noticed that the storm had been picking up, the rain now pounded on the roof which my room was directly underneath so each drop of water echoed eerily throughout my room. The thunder had also picked up and the volume was very quickly increasing, but I ignored it and attempted to get some sleep then one strike of lightning flashed at a short distance and the sounf of the thunder shook my window pane. I jumped out of bed still clutching my blankets pillow and stuffed doll and ran for my door, I was nearly out of my room when I realised that I was only wearing a tank-top and a pair of underwear. I slammed my door shut and pulled on my pajama shorts and threw open the door again. I ran across the hall to my parent's room and nearly jumped into my mom's arms. I crawled into bed beside her and spent a few minutes there until everything quieted down and I went back to get some more sleep. I'd had enough excitement for one day.

I lay in bed for around ten minutes before groaning and realising that I wasn't goign to get any more sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal and went to the recroom and parked in front of the computer, I slurped at my cereal and quickly drank my milk, I went straight to my mibba page and checked out all the stories I was subscribed to. I spent most of my day doing this and playing facebook games. at around 1 p.m. my parent's left to do who knows what, of course I didn't clue in to this fact immediately and I continued to reading and playing. Finally I turned on itunes and went to my newest playlist, it consisted of my favorite songs and nothing else so I entitled it 'GOOD music' as I wanna by the all-american rejects filled my ears I remembered my dad telling me to do my chores. At 3 p.m. I was still in my p.j.s and unshowered so I went upstairs undressed and stepped into the warm spray of water. 30 extremyl relaxing minutes ater my hair was dripping and I had my pink lacy tank-top on with my brown sweat-shorts, I went and started emptying the dishwasher but I was too slow.

In walked my parents as if on cue and began to lecture me about how they had been gone for three hours so why wasn't I done with my chores? I sighed and tryed not to act too bored, needless to say it didn't work very well. Afterwards I dusted and swept the whole house like my chores entail only doing so because this week's payment would bring m up to 150 bucks towards buying myself a new ipod, 'two more weeks' I told myself sternly, two more weeks and I would have enough money for a new ipod, bright green this time instead of pink like what my parents usually get for me. My pink ipod which I got for christmas got stolen from me shortly after my 14th birthday in April, so now if I want a new one I have to, ugh, work for it. so far I have 20 bucks from chores, 30 bucks from babysitting, 40 bucks from my birthday and 60 bucks from my grad, nearly there as my goal is 170 and either just doing my chores for the next two weeks or babysitting one more time and I'll have all the money I need.

So after my chores I came and sat back down at the computer feeling creative and began to tap out my first few words 'Day one- the earth is round...'
July 12th, 2009 at 12:58am