I can't believe it. Serious.

Last night was immense. The most fun I've had in a loooongggg time. Jen and Beth - thank you. Seriously. You made my weekend. The Shining, aaahhh. That woman's face. "Ma, get off the damn roof!" Andd Beth, flinging the slug around. "It seemed like the right thing to do at the time." Had the best night, I thought I was gonna die from laughing. =D "So I stood up mid-piss and started going bleeehhh." WHAT THE FUCK?! Hahahaa. And Beth's new quote, "it has no mouth, but three arses, and no back legs, but a giant spring!" It's a sheep, dude. I so can't wait to do that again. I think I had cardiac arrest from our Aerosmith dancing, Beth. Jen's gonna have nightmares about The Shining forever. "Redrum!" "He's like an annoying car alarm that you can't turn off." SHE COULDN'T SWING THE BAT!! Haha. So again, thankyou guys. Had the best night for ages. I love you. =D
July 12th, 2009 at 05:12pm