Ohhhhh hello. + COLLAB ANYONE?

whoa, i'm alive on this journal?
I'm alive.
uhh... there's nothing much to say.
but I was wondering.
if anyone wanted to like collab on a story with me.
Then send me a personal message.
But It can't be anything Jonas brothers or Miley Cryus/Hannah Montanna.
Or Twilight.
those three i'm lost.
I can do My Chemical Romance, Supernatural thoes are my main points.
I can also do orginal.

So send me a personal message i don't bite!
: D

Oh so it's telling me it has to be 100 words long.
Okay well uhh, what to say.
Oh if you like roleplaying sorry if it's spam.
But join my forum Port Eagleburgh

I'll be making a new website for it, coz the old one failed, EPICLY!
anyways, that'd be more then a hundred.

Well hope you pm me yea?
- melissa xoxo
July 12th, 2009 at 05:32pm