I'm going to find myself. Inside and Out.

I've decided something I should of done a long time ago. I'm going to find myself. Now that I have a real personal relationship with God (I'm a Christan), I think it's time for me to know who I really am. I've planned to loose some weight, not for others but for myself because I don't like the way I look. Now that it's summer, and next year I'll be going to Jr.High...Where I'll meet new people (good and bad) and deal with things. The school I'm going to isn't bad or anything in the academic field but some people who go there, go to bad parties...if you know what I mean. I think it will be important and will help me if I start to get to "know myself". I've never been popular and I wasn't that self consious like my other friends but it wasn't like I was self centered. It was just that I never really thought about that kind of stuff before. I kinda always was afraid what people thought of me. Like you know when your out in public, like the mall for example and girls whisper and you think their looking at you, saying something about you? That happened to me today.

I've always sort of wanted to be like one of those girls on GossipGirl (minus the sex and backstabbing friends). I have most of it planned out. During summer (right now), I'm going to start exersising and hopefully loose some weight like I said and then after, I'll go shopping with my sister and mom (for school clothes and for myself). But what else? For once, I want to feel confident and pretty. That way, once I know who I am, I won't fall in with the "A" crowd. So what should I do? I mean, either than loosing weight and shopping? What makes you feel good, inside and out?

. I was kinda inspired by the movie, The Princess Diaries. I mean think about it, Mia a girl who finds out she's a princess, doesn't change (excpet for one part of the movie...) herself. Sure she got the makeover but she's still knows who, "Mia" is.

Maybe you like to join me? Does anyone else feel this way? I would really like others to join if their going through the same thing I am. We all need a support system, don't we?

If you like to, comment or/and message me. I have a blog and plan to get more people involved in this, "project" of mine.
July 13th, 2009 at 01:23am