Awkwardness, of the strangest kind..

I don't know what's with me, but I've had the urge to do this ever since I found it.
Sure, call me a perv, a lecher, an agoraphobic what the fuck ever... I'm 17, and I'm coming to terms with myself. Might at well, yeah?
I'm kind of sick of being an awkward teenager. I want to be a girl who isn't afraid to talk about stuff. Why keep it to yourself if you're not the only one with an opinion? Lets be freaks and share. Haha

-Tell me about your gender. Do you think about it?
I am a female, and I think females are still poorly represented as a whole. I think being a woman is pretty tough, I take shit from both males and females about practically everything. Its almost like you have to find just the right woman to be friends with, and hope she doesn't get snatched up by some other guy.

-How much does gender affect the other parts of your identity?
I think being a woman has given me an excuse to act pretty some times, and giggle at nothing. Acting like that, it almost makes me feel like part of a whole sometimes, when I can't relate in any other way.

-Tell me about a live communal event that you love. How does it make you feel? Why are the other people necessary?
I love being around people, because I feed on reactions. I love just spending time with lots of people I don't know, because I always end up making an ass of myself, and more often then not its something I can laugh at to get the ball rolling in conversation. Hearing about how different people react to certain things fascinates me.

-What does the mass of people bring to your experience?
It.... well.... It brings noise and excitement. People are something to react to as well as something to react to. As I said before, I absolutely love reactions, especially when they're excited, loud, and giggly.

-What makes you feel beautiful?
I feel beautiful when I take the time to dress myself up, and perfect my makeup, or let my hair spill down in curls. I feel beautiful when I can smile in the mirror, and laugh at myself because I'm not ungodly gorgeous, but I'm not that bad. I feel beautiful when I can accept myself, and see what others could find beautiful about me.

-What makes sex nerve-wracking (for you) to talk about?
I think since sex is pretty much giving up control, I don't like to talk about my loss of control. Its not that I'm a control freak, but I have such little control of my life as it is, I don't want to talk about how I would give my control up for somebody. Sure, I joke and point out guys I'd like to bang, but its mostly giggly. Nothing's really seriously spoken about.

--If you are a fannish person: why fandom?
I simply love fiction, and having a definite face and part of a personality to a story just clicks somehow.

-If you told a therapist about fandom, what do you think they would suspect/say about your reasons for participating in it?
I think I'm an undiagnosed case of crazy, honestly. But thats just me. I doubt a doctor would have any less to say. He or she might tell me I have severe Peter Pan syndrome, since my fandom is usually set in the past, or that I have trouble coming to terms with reality. Sure, whatever. Haha

-End Questions.

Feel free to comment or steal or post. Whatever you wish, just do it. :p
I did!
July 14th, 2009 at 07:14am