A note

I got admitted to hospital with suspected swine flu last week. Fortunately the swabs came back negative but as it turns out I do have a severe water infection. This makes my temperature fluctuate and affects blood pressure and pulse. It also has the added bonus of migraines and being suddenly and violently ill.


I am on antibiotics now and things should be better in a few days and all clear in seven and if not I will have more investigation work done to find out what actually is wrong with me. Swine flu may be ruled out but there are many other 'nasties' floating about. (I am hopeful I have the right diagnosis/treatment)

So, why am I sitting here writing this? Well, obviously my updates will be affected by all of this, not the mention painkillers may make the updates a bit... um... random as I float into differing levels of... shall we say logic? Obviously I will use proof readers to combat this.

Patience from my readers is requested on this one please...
July 14th, 2009 at 02:11pm