111 fun lame facts about me

1. this has been made only because chelsea told me to and then i forgot and then i saw shay's and then i remembered and then i forgot again and i saw one on chelsea so i decided to write it before i forgot.
2. i am very forgetful
3. like one time i was playing my guitar and i left my pick on the floor to get a glass of water. i walked into the kitchen and i stopped and asked myself why i was in the kitchen and then i walked back out and remembered got my water and walked around the whole house looking for my pick
4. I'm not stupid. I'm smart.
5. i lack common sense though
6. i like the colors blue and green orange and red
7. this is my favorite number :) it looks like an upside down L for LOVE
8. i love love i hate hate
9. i make no sense at times but you will get it
10. i hate twitter its a stupid bird and people are addicted to it. no offense to twitter fans.
11. i love jonas, the band and the tv show
12. this is the second time i wrote this fact thing. i had a lot of interesting things but then my toe pressed the turn off button and my computer turned off by it self and i did that dramatic "NOOOOOOOOO" no i retyped it.
13.i dont like miley i despise her but i have this one day in every year where i forgive her. i dont know why
14. i love animals and i never hurt them even bugs. i love them so much i name them. last summer i named all the flies that got into my room. Fatso... fat fly..... Stride Fly.... the fly who buzzed around my stride gum wrappers. and stupid who kept banging on the windows. i named the caterpillar i found on the streets philly. i brought it to my backyard. i named 100 ladybugs i found in my house too. by the alphabet. a,b,c,d,etc... then ab,bb,cb,db etc.. then ac,bc,cc,dc etc... you know what i mean.
15. when i was little i loved barney but i liked blues clues more.
16. i always thought blue was a boy but he's a girl. =| i found out 2 years ago when i got a cd that said "join blue and her friend to the beach!" say what?!
17. one day when i was watching sesame street that ugly plant was talking with oscar or something and i was so hypnotized and i believed they were talking to me so i talked back to the tv. me and the tv had a conversation... well that stinky plant did. when i told my mom she looked at me weird.
18. i believe we can communicate through our minds.
19.i like writing my own songs and singing them only to myself and my teddybear.
20. chelsea said nick jonas controls my teddy bear
21. i have changed in front of my teddy bear many times
22. now i stuff my teddy into the covers when i change
23. i hate mushrooms i believe it is fungus it is but its nasty
24. i am sick of terayaki chicken and cupcake icing. i ate too much of it
25. i hate chuck e. cheese now... it keeps sucking my tokens in. for payback when i see chuckie, i punch him on the nose and step on his foot. :D one time i did that and my cousins joined me and chuckie got beat up until the people who worked there went "who wants free tokens?!" and we attacked that person instead.... i was seven then.
26. i love knotts berry farm i hug snoopy everytime i see him.
27. i think i try to hard to impress guys.
28. i have a feeling that when a guy will say i love you to me i will fall head over heels for him even though he might be lying and i might get hurt but i know it will happen one day so i'm ready to get hurt.
29. im not the independent type.
30 i have proof of it. i went over my old report cards and in kindergarten it says x on not independent i was bad.....
31 when i was in kinder i saw my m om use the credit card and i thought it was a magic card that gave you money. so when i found an expensive toy i told my mom to just swipe her magic card. she had to sit me down and explain to me how she has to pay back the money and the bank stuff like checking account and savings. i didn't know what she was saying.
32 i still dont understand it i'll just keep my money under my bed.
33. i get paranoid easily
34 i am gullable
35 im kind of bad at spelling so if i spelled gullable wrong im sorry
37 im sensative i cry about anything
38i am not a baby
39 when i was in first grade there was a possum on the fence which is like really tall. and we gathered to watch while the adults told us to go back. the third graders started talking about how they eat things from the trashcans at night. my friends and i went over and asked "really?" then they made a scary face and said that they also ate little kids brains about this big which was about my height and i screamed and my friends and i ran to our classroom yelling. "possums are going to eat my brains!" and hugged my teacher and hid under the table for the whole recess.
40 told you i was gullable
41 you're probably wondering whats going to happen next
42 and you probably didnt notice that i skipped #12
43. i bet you scrolled up to make sure it was there
44 made you look
45 but seriously i skipped a number its number 35
46 if you didnt go back to check and think i tricked you again you're lame because i did skip it. >=[ ps did you know that 35 was my 1st grade classroom number?!
46.5 this is 46.5 because i'm sorry i tricked y ou. i know i'm lame
47 i hate it when people touch me for no reason
48. when i get mad i get really mad and i tend to like to be alone at that time
49. i'm serious about my music
50 i wish i can be sucessful in music or be known as something important
51 i love children ever since i was little i take care of all my baby relatives.
52 i wish i will have many children but i just hope they invent something to make it less painful
53. i will donate lots of money to charity when i grow up
54 i like baseball its like my fav sport besides tennis
55 when i think of tennis i think of snobby rich people with the sweaters tied around there neck with visors on their head with a little umbrella on the table with crumpets and tea and then these sweaty athletic tennis players like serena williams coming into the scene and tramping over the little weenies MWAHAHAHAHA
56. im not evil sometimes i just have weird thoughts
57. i am modest and i will always be and also generous
58 i wont give you money for no reason and if you say or do something stupid i'll probably go "stuuuuuuupidddd"
59. i hate it when chelsea doesnt take nick to herself in our litttle fantasies
60. yes i daydream about him :)
61. i bite my nails when im nervous or stick my fingers into my mouth
62 i judge things by the "cover" even though i know that is bad but then i change once i find out the reason.
63 i'm scared of my new school i think it will turn out to be like like those movies where the meanie blonde mean girls will pick on me
64 i always have hope in others and myself
65 even though i tell myself and everyone that i dont like to be the center of attention... i secretly always wish i can be the center of attention.
66 my favorite holiday is christmas the time of popcorn cuddling with the ones you love with hot cocoa christmas party teasing "santa claus" ahhhhhhhh
67 i hate it when people lie and brag its so damn stupid
68 i cuss a lot when im mad but i manage to control myself at times
69 whoever thought that this number looks wrong or invented it is a pervert... i didnt know until 6th grade... my friends asked the T.A. it was hilarious
70. im scaread of earthquakes and natrual disaster i blame it on the rich people and there gas using vehicles to cause global warming
71 i like shopping for many hours.
72 i never wear heels that often and a few months ago when i danced non stop for 4 hrs or more in 3 inch heels people called me crazy and i think i am too but.... it didnt hurt my feet at all until like at midnight.
73 i have different personalities from the web and in real life... to be honest i am boring in real life if i dont know you so well.... if ur my bfffffffffffff then i would go insane :D
74 when i sang to my friends they say i sing really really good. i dont know if they just didnt want to hurt my feelings or what but i doubt it. my voice isnt as good as famous people. maybe better than miley though............ just kidding
75. my favorite icecream is anything with chocolate in it and vanilla... yum
76. i love sourpatch kids bears whatever u call em
77. when i get mad sometimes i give that person the eye twitch it works everytime ^.^
78 i am a big fan of iming and i use smiley faces a lot
79 i hate it when people are not happy. i do whatever to cheer them up
80 when someone is not in the mood i get into that mood as well
81 when i learned that laughing is good for your health and my teacher showed us a clip of a whole bunch of old people in the park doing a laughing session, i broke out in laughter. i laugh when i see people laugh.
82sometimes i think too much about the future and i scare myself.
83 i believe in ghosts and aliens
84 i get hungry easily and i usually desire sweets (hint:candy).
85 i'm getting tired about thinking about myself i dont like talking about myself a lot
86 i get offended easily
87 Gaston still owes me a quarter from 5th grade just because he wanted to buy a pencil from the office.
88 he probably forgot, the last time i mentioned it, he was like, it's just a quarter.
90 i care about everyone a lot i will drop a penny for a hobo
91 i dont have good combats, they are usually good in my head but i forget it.
92 i hold myself back many times to many opportunites, i regret after, i think i would be famous now if it werent for my shyness
93 i was exagerating not famous but well known
94 i dont like it when people change, i feel left out
95 did i tell you that i'm not the indpendent type?
96 sometimes i blame myself for all the reasons why my friends have changed
97 they say they havent changed but i know, sometimes i wonder if im normal
98 i dont like to be disturbed as well i get cranky
99 i am really lazy
100 i daydream a lot of the future and things, i can imagine anything perfectly
101i love reading fanfics and love stories
102 my cousin said it will make me crazy one day and no guys will like me because i'll be expecting everything that happens in the books
103 i have self control so i doubt that'll happen
104 i sing in the showers
105 i am really random
106 i'm running out of things to say again x[
107 i use to be scaread of computers when i was little i always thought they'd eat me up
108 now i love it, its so fascinating
109 whoever invented sporks or foons are amazing
110 i like keeping things in memory of everything i get to look back and remember the good old times
111 the end
July 14th, 2009 at 11:54pm