Summer Blues

Freaking summer! I am so angry that summer is almost over, and it hasn't even started yet. This year, at my school summer starts before Labor day, which is very upsetting. School starts on September second, and it normally starts on the sixth... or somewhere around that date.
I don't want to sound like a needy, spoiled brat, but I am very upset about this.

Anyway, life is okay right now. My little brother is still annoying, but I'll live with it. I've been trying to get along with him, but it's not working so well.
Summer has been interesting so far. My cousin went camping with us for the Fourth, which was kind of cool. He's going to boot camp, so we won't see him for awhile. And then he came over for the weekend.

I understand that this entry kind of sucks, but I really don't have anything amazing going on right now. This is also my first entry. @_@
So... meh.
~Rebekah Cathleen Marie~
July 15th, 2009 at 09:37am