Shady Guy!

Well, there's this guy that gets on our bus sometimes. He is WELL shady! He used to wear this really long coat (was it a trenchcoat? Maybe =D) and a hat, like a cardinal hat. haha i've just looked it up, it's a porkpie hat! =D He also carried a briefcase!!!!!!!! He looked like he was up to something SHADY, hence the name shady guy.
He looks vaguely Stumpyesque, like his brother or summat! :)
He didn't come on the bus for months!!! :( we think the sunlight scared him away..
But now he's back, minus his hat. Tash took pics of him getting on the bus, and i got really excited (ofc!!).
I also sat behind him once and he smelled really nice!!! (this sounds really pervy, but oh well, it's not like i could help but smell him...) and he got off the bus AFTER me, whih means he was wandering around our town!!!!!

There we go, that's satisfied my NEED to write summat. ^_^

July 15th, 2009 at 04:05pm