Jeeze, who's that slut!? She should probably lay off the heroin.

Last night I went to see Unearth. It was amazing. I'm going to skip most of the stories. But, I did talk to Ken for a few hours after the show. Derek wasn't too happy about it, especially when he picked me up for this picture:


Notice how rediculously crappy my hair looks from sweating. And the fact that my shirt is falling off. I look pretty slutty, eh? Derek rushed over to yell at Ken as soon as he picked me up. Ken just replied with: "She's legal!" Didn't put Derek at ease at all "She's my friend, dude!" :]

Then I got a picture with Derek:

I look so strung out. Kinda like a model from the '90s, except not nearly as tall. It was not from drugs, though, but from being sick. I sadly woke up with a sore throat yesterday morning, but I'm a freaking trooper and went to the show anyway.

That's all I'm sharing. I just thought those pictures were pretty epic. :]

Today sucked. I didn't get any sleep. I was still up at 4:30, fell asleep sometime after that. Woke up between 8:30 and 9, and am still up. I feel like crap. But, it was worth it :3

Also, Ken has a sweet car and some adorable cats. Just sayin'.
July 15th, 2009 at 07:10pm