Heartful Dream <3

I had a dream about this guy I like which inspired me to right. "Broken Into Pieces." Last night. I live like one block away from him and I would like walk by his house just to see if he's home. He has a girlfriend who is one year younger than him which makes me very, very angry.

Anyway, last night for the first time in three months I had a dream about him. Back when I was love sick and crushing on him. I would have dreams about him every night and always woke up knowing that they were only dreams. ~Sigh...

I dreamed that we were hanging out together like in the far future when I was able to drive. And we did a whole bunch of fun things with one another like swimming in his pool and going to the movies. Then close to the end of the dream he looked at me and smiled his hair so gorgeously curly and he was about to lean in to kiss me. When my brother's best friend made a loud noise that woke me up.

I was so mad. The worst thing is I know it's not possible for me to ever date him even though I'm like one year older than him. But still I wish once my dream would come true.... <3
July 15th, 2009 at 09:25pm