New Series... Ideas...

I'm thinking about something with vampires...
but vampires and Frank Iero just don't mix with me...
I can't picture him with fangs and all...
Now Gerard Way, yes, but I've written to many fictions like that.

I'm wanting something with my Iero...
But nothing with the highschool romance, that's to cliche.
*just thinking*

Maybe, he could be a vampire.
It would be something new...
something fresh, but I just don't know.
*racks brain*

But Gerard does have that sweet smile.
and those beautiful eyes.
He makes the perfect vampire.

But Frankie reminds me of a puppy.
And puppies are adorable, but vampires aren't. Usually.
Writer's block sucks, I wish it would go away so I could think!
And get an idea!
July 16th, 2009 at 04:34am