Don't Take Them For Granted

Don't take things for granted, especially your family. I know a lot of you who will read this have heard this a lot. I know I have. But seriously don't, it shouldn't of taken me this long to realize it. It shouldn't of taken someone dieing. You're family is the one thing that will ALWAYS be there for you. They're there no matter what, they may be mad at you for a while but deep down they love you and want to help you and are only mad because they want what's best for you. For about 3 or so years, probably longer I'm not quite sure, my family has known that my great-grandmother was going to die soon, we just didn't know when. She did in fact die, on Saturday morning. Now the things that normally came to my mind immediately about her were not...the greatest. She had her own ways and if it wasn't what she thought was correct she would tell you, and I will openly admit I'm a stubborn girl and I have my own opinions too which I probably got from her so sometimes I had things to say back that I wouldn't because they were disrespectful, and it seemed she didn't care about your feelings. I know she did care it's just that's who she was. When my mother told me she was dead I was upset but I also felt guilty. I had really kind of just been complaining and would say things, we all did, that weren't very nice because she was somewhat of a burden. Especially to my grandmother who would have to drive up to my great-grandmother's house in PA at a second's notice. It got to the point where we all kind of just didn't want to have to deal with it/her. But not to say we didn't love her. We all loved her very much, even my 2 1/2 year old cousin who can't comprehend what death is. But what I guess what I'm trying to say is out of all things you shouldn't take for granted is most definitely your family. They're the most important people in your life and at the end of the day, they're the ones who care, who love you, and are going to be there for you when life seems hard and you need someone.
One thing I would definitely count as a blessing that came from this is I got to see my granddad who I haven't seen since 6th grade and had only seen him once before that. I love him and I don't get to see him often so getting to see him and talk to him today made things a little bit easier. I definitely feel blessed to have to 2 granddad's that don't care if I hug on them a lot and are definitely there to help me and support me with all my decisions.

So be thankful for whatever family you have and just make sure they know you love them because you won't have that thought of 'maybe they didn't I loved them' when they die.

RIP Theresia Utlitsky, you will be missed.
July 16th, 2009 at 07:33am