I always thought that 7 was an ungodly hour

I always thought that 7 was an ungodly hour, if so then why I was I not only awake at 6 but also awake at 6 on summer holiday? let's just say I wasn't too pleased.

Last night I went to bed at 11 ish with my parents telling me if I didn't get my butt in bed soon then I wasn't allowed to see my friend the next day, my friend and I live half an hour apart so we get to hang out like once a month, which by the way is totally sucky. Last time we saw each other was on the day of my graduation, at least two weeks ago and that was only for a few minutes before I headed off to my dinner and she headed off to her house. So I basically ran up the steps to my room to get in bed, I pulled my extremely greasy hair (I hadn't washed it in a few days, I know it's gross but I was just to lazy to shower) into a ponytail and washed my face and brushed my teeth, just then the phone rings and I know that it's Kim, my best friend, because she had promised to call me back to tell me whether she could come or not the next day. I swear my mother wasn't even awake when she stumbled out of bed and handed me the phone she mumbled something like 'be quick' but I guess being asleep while your talking makes it kind of hard to understand.

I pressed the phone to my ear and answer the way I always do "yellow?" my best friend still hasn't figured out that that's how I answer the phone though and she says "Megan?" I sigh and nearly roll my eyes forgetting that she can't see me "no, it's Cori, couldn't you tell?" she still hasn't figured it out yet, I always know who it is when she calls so whenever anyone from her house calls I pick it up unless I'm too slow and the answering machine is about to pick up, I don't think she's clued in to the fact that I have called I.D. yet, or maybe she just doesn't think that it applies to her somehow, anyways she says every thing's cool for her to come tomorrow and she says she'll be here at 3 and her mom will pick her up at 5 the next day, I make sure thats okay with my parents really quick and say goodnight and hangup.

I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before so I figured that the weight of my eyelids guaranteed not only deep sleep but late sleep, I was sadly mistaken. I lay down on my bed for what seems to be the longest time and finally I get up and creep down to the kitchen. I was loud enough that I nearly woke my dogs but apparently they were getting the deep sleep I so desperately needed. I pulled a small piece of frozen lemon cake from the freezer and made myself a glass of warm milk with sugar in it, warm milk ALWAYS helps me sleep, or at least that's what I used to think. I nibble at my cake while I warm my cup of milk and scrounge for some sugar to put it in it, I've always been a little brain dead even in my most observant states so it's not until I walk out of the kitchen that I realise that the sugar bowl which I had looked everywhere for is sitting in the middle of the breakfast table, I groan and go back to my room anyways, finishing my cake and drinking my warm milk. I set my cup down and fall back into bed and turn off the light, surely I would get some sleep now, after all it was freaking 1 in the morning.

As the light faded from my room I pulled my fleece blankets over me, it wasn't that I really needed blanket, they were mostly just a comfort device and therefore, I can't really sleep without them. In the dark and silence I become more alert then I have felt recently, which is weird because being in bright lights is supposed to wake you up ot put you to sleep, I am a bit worried that I am becoming nocturnal. I lay still for an even longer time then before and I just don't feel tired anymore. I must of dozed off for at lest an hour because eventually I opened my window and my lind to reveal morning light, I goran and go downstairs, realising hat it was still 6:30 in the morning I hastily retreat to my room and close the blinds again, no way was I geting out of bed and getting ready for the day at 6:30, I hear my sister's music turn on and I go down stairs to see what time it is now, there sits my father at our breakfast table with his laptop open, I start to go backwards as fast as I can but it's too late, I've been spotted. I greet my father and decide that no matter what I'm going to have to get up eventually so I go upstairs and find my sweater and pull it on. My lips feel as dry as the sahara desert, they always do when I wake up so I fish around in the pocket of all my clothes and find my chapstick. I walk over to the bathroom and pull my hair out of it's not so tight ponytail and pull it into a much tighter one, I put about twenty bobby pins in my hair and I laugh, mom always wonders where all her bobby pins go.

I walk downstairs to make myself breakfast, it is now 7:30 ish, I still can't believe I'm awake right now. I make myself a peanut butter and honey sandwich and I realise that the girl who, along with my cousin jeffree, gets rides to summer school from my dad is here already and I don't know whether she's allergic to peanuts or not, god I hope not. I reason with myself eventually that if she was allergic to nuts then someone would've told me, her being in my house and all. I eat surprisingly quickly and retreat to my room to try and rest some more. I'm certain that I fell alseep at about nine and woke back up at around 11, I may have been not entirely certain about how much time I got to sleep but I was still thankful that I might be awake enough to go to the movies later. at around 12 I crawl back out of my hole and go have lunch and that in itself is impressive, in the summer I almost never eat lunch and breakfast, at least not on the same day. I go up to m bathroom and have a nice long shower which wakes me up even more and I get my P.J.s back on and read tillabout two where my mom forces me to get dressed so I pull on a blue lacy tanktop and my plaid skirt along with my dark blue heart sweater which I love.

I spend the next hour watching T.V. and nearly another hour after that as well but when I have only twenty minutes left until three I go get changed, I pull on my grey skinnys and my green tank-top goes as an extra layer over top of the babyblue tank. I burhs my hair and figure that I can do my makeup and hair later. so I go and watch mor T.V. At 3:30 however I start to get pissed off, she's usaully late but not this late, I call her house to see if she's even left yet and as it turns out she was volunteering at the museum and wouldn't be here until five. I sigh and go up stairs, I do my hair up ridiculously and turn on the straightener so that I can do one layer at a time. I straighten my half curly half wavey hair and put a blue bobby pin in just for decoration. I do my make-up and suddenly it's like 10 minutes until she is supposed to show up. My hair looks fiarly good straight if I do say so myself (my sister tld me later that this was the truth) and I am no running around looking for my 90 bucks of cash I have around the house, I finally find it and toss it in my wallet. Kim walks in and I can't beleive what she's wearing, she's wearing a huge pink sweatshirt and an I <3 vampires t-shirt, hardly appropiate for an HP showing. I toss her my Elora jacket, which does look pretty cool, a pair of dangling heart earrings, a fake silver flower ecklace and a yelow striped tank-top. it does look very good on her, eventually after supper we leave the hosue with me wearing my grey ballerina flats and her wearing my grey chucks. we arrive and the line for the movie is already nearly out the door and we are pushed and shoved along with the tide, we still had at least an hour left of this.

The movie was really good even though I ate way too many of the chocolate peanutbutter balls and I will likely pay for that tomorrow, or I guess today. when we got bak we both got changed into our pajamas and I asked my parents if we (me and kim) could sleep in the recroom, they were fine with that. So we turned on legally blonde and let our brains turn into mush, at about 12:30 he movie ended and we utrned on our music, out of boredom I checked my mibba dn decided to write another journal entry, and here I am, typing away at 1:30, I would keep writing but you probably don't want a play by play of every movement I'm taking so, NIGHT ALL!
July 16th, 2009 at 07:44am