got to be startin' something

What an interesting concept, a journal.

A concept that I am, admittedly, quite fond of. I lead a unique existence, you see, and I feel it may be, perhaps not of use, but certainly worthwhile to document a small portion of my mind. I have yet to see if anyone will choose to explore these tales, but even if no evidence of readership prevails, the bizarre sense of inspiration blogging has always provoked within me shall remain.

I have decided my entires will not take the form of a typical internet journal. Rather than simply reflecting on any given experience, I will often choose to explore a concept or idea that is of interest to me that day; my thoughts on kindness, my theory regarding the life I lead before I lived, or even a certain aspect of morality if I am feeling particularly philosophical, for example. Of course the odd account of a particularly colorful scene from my life may crop up as well.

If you do happen to stumble across what is to be an eclectic collection of experience and theory and story, tell me what you think. I would like to connect with you and see just how much I can learn. Thank you.
July 16th, 2009 at 08:07am