RP #1

(Spot4ever95 is Mellogasm, agthba is Mattygasm, and echelongirl92 is me)

spots4ever95: Gustav: *runs in* Sorry, I'm late, guys. My alarm, it didn't go off. *panting*
agthba: Bill: *rolls eyes*
echelongirl92: Georg: I want pancakes
agthba: Tom: *>.>*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Well, make pancakes, duh.
echelongirl92: Georg: Gustav! make pancakes! you're the only one who can!
spots4ever95: Gustav: I'm not making your pancakes!
echelongirl92: Georg: please?
spots4ever95: Gustav: Get Bill to do it.
echelongirl92: Georg: but he'll burn them!
agthba: Bill: Yeah! Tom go make pancakes.
agthba: Tom: No.
echelongirl92: Georg: But he'll burn them too!
echelongirl92: *pouts*
echelongirl92: I want pancakes
agthba: Bill: Can we just like...hire a slave to do it?
spots4ever95: Gustav: Go hire a hobo to do it. *:|*
echelongirl92: Goerg: not a hobo!
echelongirl92: he'll burn them!
spots4ever95: Gustav: Well, I'm not doing it!
echelongirl92: Georg: go get Jost!!! he can make them!
agthba: Tom: Jost hates us right now.
agthba: Bill: Yeah, we broke his lamp yesterday.
echelongirl92: Georg: your fault
echelongirl92: why did you do that?
spots4ever95: Gustav: *snicker* I was home taking a bath, I can't be blamed for that.
agthba: Bill&Tom: *shrug*
echelongirl92: Georg: *facepalm*
echelongirl92: Georg: well, call him and ask him to hire us someone to make pancakes!
echelongirl92: and waffles
echelongirl92: yeah
spots4ever95: Gustav: *calls Dunja instead*
agthba: Dunja: Hello?
echelongirl92: Georg: i want pancakes!
agthba: Dunja: ...Congratulations?
echelongirl92: Georg: can you make some?
echelongirl92: please?
agthba: Dunja: Don't you guys have assistants other than me for that?
echelongirl92: Georg: Tom! do we?
agthba: Tom: Why would I know? *>.>*
echelongirl92: Georg: i dunno
spots4ever95: Gustav: Hire some. *:|*
echelongirl92: you're
agthba: Dunja: *sigh* Sure, I'll get right on that *CLICK*
echelongirl92: Georg: yay! i'll get my pancakes
agthba: *threemonths later, Job Interviews*
echelongirl92: Georg: okay, who should we pick?
echelongirl92: and how many?
agthba: Tom: Two?
echelongirl92: Georg: four
echelongirl92: maybe
agthba: Bill: Two. *glare*
agthba: Tom: Two, it is.
echelongirl92: Georg: we should have one for each of us though
spots4ever95: Gustav: *had no say in this ;~;*
echelongirl92: it would be easier on Bill
agthba: Bill: Why do we need one for each of us?
echelongirl92: Georg: it would be easier on you
echelongirl92: Georg: you wouldn't have to share
agthba: Bill: *-.-*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Because you're a whiney diva who thinks he should get everything he wants!
echelongirl92: Georg: it's the truth!
echelongirl92: Georg: wait....*runs away from wrath of Bill*
agthba: Bill: *D:<*
agthba: Tom: *snickers*
echelongirl92: Georg: *not there*
agthba: Bill: Well, how about these two? *points to you too*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *is in a bad mood 'cos he didn't have his mini wheats* Georg and I would never get the asisstants with you two, because you're both spoiled little bitches.
echelongirl92: Georg: is it safe *stick head out*
agthba: Tom: I'm sorry, did you say something?
spots4ever95: Mollie: *thinking: Ohhh burn*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *shakes head*
echelongirl92: Georg: *starts to step out when Bill sees him*
agthba: Bill: *glare*
echelongirl92: Georg: *runs away...again*
agthba: Tom: *grins*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: why is he running away?
spots4ever95: Mollie: *so confused, but still smiling like she totally knows what the hell is going on*
agthba: Bill: *happysmile* NO reason. *:D*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: riiiiiiight. and i'm related to Obama
echelongirl92: Georg: can we keep her?1
agthba: Bill&Tom: *blankstare*
agthba: Jost: *walks in* So these are the two you picked?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Take her!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: you know? the president of the US
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks at Mollie* me?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yes, you. So, you don't want me? Sweet, so can I leave now? * 8D *
echelongirl92: Georg: *slowly walks in and quiet sits by Gustav*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Mollie! don't leave me!
agthba: Jost: *-.-* Sit.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *sits*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *obeys* Damn. *v.v*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *realizes she's sitting on the floor and could care less becuase she doesn't want to get up*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *angst, angst, stare at floor for a bit*
agthba: Jost: Now, you will be paid *insertammount* and you are to do what ever they *points to guys* tell you to do so I won't have to. Understood?
echelongirl92: Georg: Tom! stop looking down their shirts!
agthba: Tom: *whistles innocently*
echelongirl92: Georg: innocent my ass
agthba: Bill: *hits him over the head*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *ignore*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *blush*
agthba: Jost: Well?
spots4ever95: Mollie: I heard money, so I'm in.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Hi! I'm Chelsea. i guess i should have told you that
echelongirl92: and yeah. i'm in
agthba: Jost: *facepalm*
agthba: Jost: Okay, good. You start now. Good luck. *walks out*
echelongirl92: Georg: Pancakes?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks at Mollie*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: I can try. Fail maybe. Just not chocolate chip. i burn those kind
spots4ever95: Mollie: What?
agthba: Tom: *Yawn* Hey, servant. Make me a drink.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Mr. Awesome Hair wants pancakes
echelongirl92: Chelsea: say please
agthba: Tom: I don't have to, I pay you.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: fine. no cleavage for you *pulls up shirt*
agthba: Bill: *smacks him* be nice.
agthba: Tom: *D: *
echelongirl92: Georg: i like her already
spots4ever95: Mollie: *not doing anything :D*
agthba: Bill: *glare at Georg*
spots4ever95: Gustav: You there! Make me a sandwich!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks at Tom* say it
spots4ever95: Mollie: Only if you dance with me!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Was die Hölle?
echelongirl92: *shakes head*
agthba: Tom, Bill: *o.O*
spots4ever95: Gustav: I don't want that bad.
echelongirl92: Georg: Chelsea?
spots4ever95: Mollie: I win. * :D*
echelongirl92: chelsea: Yeah?
echelongirl92: Georg: can i have pancakes, please?
echelongirl92: chelsea: yep *goes to make pancakes*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *runs off to help Chelsea so she doesn't burn the place down*
echelongirl92: Georg: thank you!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *sticks head out* Do you still want that drink, Tom?
agthba: Tom: *pause, yells to kitchen* Is anyone going to bring me a drink?
agthba: Tom: Yes, please.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: now, was that so hard?
agthba: Tom: *glare*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *pours drink and takes it to him*
agthba: Tom: *takes it* Thanks.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *fixes shirt becuase it was annoying to have it bunched up at top.*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Save it, I know you're not. *walks off to make Gustav a sammich*
echelongirl92: chelsea: *brings pancakes for Georg* There you go
echelongirl92: Georg: thank you
echelongirl92: Chelsea: no problem
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Tom, quit staring at my cleavage!
spots4ever95: Gustav: *snicker*
echelongirl92: Georg: *snicket*
echelongirl92: *snicker*
agthba: Tom: *>.>*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *comes back with Gustav's sandwich* Here. *throws it at him*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *grabs random jacket and puts it on, hiding cleavage in the process*
spots4ever95: Gustav: ..Do I still have to dance with you?
spots4ever95: Mollie: No.
agthba: Bill: I need one of you two to go shopping with me. *:|*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: I will!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i need new socks
agthba: Bill: Uhm Okay
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *stands up and realizes the jacket she grabbed his HUGE* Tom, is this your jacket
spots4ever95: Mollie: Uh huh, you go on, I'll stay.
agthba: Tom: Totally is.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: okay *leaves with Bill to go shopping*
echelongirl92: *still wearing jacket*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *sits in floor*
echelongirl92: Georg: having fun?
spots4ever95: Mollie; Nope.
spots4ever95: Gustav: *OMNOMNOM* Hand me the remote, please?
agthba: Tom: Well put on a video.
echelongirl92: Georg: *falls asleep after eating pancakes*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *throws remote* A video? Really? No, thanks, probably a porno.
agthba: Tom: HOw'd you know?
echelongirl92: Georg: *shoots up awake* I DIDN"T DO IT!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *>_>* I know all. Have any vodka?
echelongirl92: Georg: *looks at empty plate with a sad face*
agthba: Tom: *-.-, kicks georg*
spots4ever95: Mollie: I take it you want more? *.-.*
echelongirl92: Georg: when are they getting back? *glares at Tom*
echelongirl92: Georg: yes. they were really good
agthba: Tom: Knowing Bill, probably a few hours.
spots4ever95: Mollie: *takes plate and runs off to get more pancakes*
echelongirl92: Georg: Thank you Mollie!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Uh huh, okay!
echelongirl92: Georg: *sits patiently for pancakes*
agthba: Tom: *booored* Let's play a game. *yawn*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *hands pancakes* What kind of game?
echelongirl92: Georg: no!!! Not one of your games Tom!
agthba: Tom: Fine. *crosses arms* You picka game.
spots4ever95: Gustav: *snicker*
echelongirl92: Georg: why me?
agthba: Tom: Like we're gonna let Gustav pick a game.
spots4ever95: Mollie: *o.o*
echelongirl92: Georg: haha!
spots4ever95: Gustav: Hey! *throws the rest of his sammich at Tom*
echelongirl92: Georg: haha!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Haha!
agthba: Tom: *throws it at wall*
echelongirl92: Georg: perfect waste of sammich!
echelongirl92: Georg: *whisper* idiot
spots4ever95: Gustav: He provoked me! *D: *
echelongirl92: Georg: so?! don't act two!
spots4ever95: Mollie: You're not getting another one. *._.*
echelongirl92: Georg: haha!
spots4ever95: Gustav: *jl;'klaf D: * Tom!
agthba: Tom: *:P*
echelongirl92: Georg: *rolls eyes* you guys are worse than Bill some days
echelongirl92: Georg: damn
spots4ever95: Mollie: You know, you guys are really, really, boring. *.-.*
echelongirl92: Georg: i resent taht
echelongirl92: *that
agthba: Tom: Well pick a game to play.
spots4ever95: Mollie: *>_>* I'm the slave, I thought I have to obey the master.
echelongirl92: Georg: fine! i'll pick one becuase your game, somehow, Mollie will end up naked!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *O.O*
agthba: Tom: In my game, everyone ends up naked. *-.-*
echelongirl92: Georg: creepy....
spots4ever95: Gustav: *nod*
echelongirl92: Georg: *eats pancakes*
agthba: Tom: Well, Georg, what's the game.
echelongirl92: Georg: *eats pancakes*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Bingo!
echelongirl92: Georg: boring@!
agthba: Tom: Very.
echelongirl92: Georg: *looks at Mollie* this is why we don't let Gustav pick
spots4ever95: Gustav: Well, no one else would suggest anything!
echelongirl92: Georg: i was eating!
spots4ever95: Mollie: I see.
spots4ever95: Gustav: No exuse, you always talk with your mouth full anyway!
echelongirl92: Georg: *sticks tongue out at Gustav*
agthba: Tom: *sigh*
echelongirl92: Georg: fine! Tom, you pick! i have nothing
echelongirl92: Georg: *glower*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Does it always take this long to decide on something?
echelongirl92: Georg: yep
echelongirl92: Georg: usually Bill choses
echelongirl92: Georg: but he's not here
agthba: Tom: Bill always chooses Truth or Dare *rolls eyes*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Of course. *-.-*
echelongirl92: Georg: and tom makes it sexual
spots4ever95: Mollie: Strip truth or dare? Been there done that. Now, do you have any vodka and shot glasses? *smirk*
echelongirl92: Georg: *thinks*
echelongirl92: Georg: yep
echelongirl92: Georg: why?
agthba: Tom: *-.-*
echelongirl92: Georg: *looks to see Gustav sleeping*
echelongirl92: Georg: Mollie! wake gustav up
spots4ever95: Mollie: *shifty eyes* Oh no reason... *hits Gustav*
echelongirl92: Georg: *sees Gustav shoot up* *starts laughing*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *;~;* My sleep. What do you want?!
echelongirl92: Georg: you were sleeping
agthba: Tom: And we're gonna play a game.
spots4ever95: Mollie: *>_< grabs Georg's hair* Do you have vodka and shot glasses?!
echelongirl92: Georg: i said yes!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Okay! *lets go* Uhm, where are they? *o.o*
echelongirl92: Georg: *looks at Tom* ask him
spots4ever95: Mollie: *looks over* Uhm...*pokes him*
agthba: Tom: Beside the fridge. *o.O*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *runs over* Hand over all your alcoholic beverages!
echelongirl92: Georg: *is confused*
agthba: Tom: They're in the fridge. *-.-*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *opens* Beer?! That's it?!
agthba: Tom: The vodka's in my room.
spots4ever95: Mollie: *o.o* Get it.
echelongirl92: Georg: why? never mind. i do not want to know
spots4ever95: Gustav: Because you'd have to be shitfaced to sex that.
agthba: Tom: *hits him and goes to get it*
echelongirl92: Georg: ohhhhh burn!!!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *mumbles to self*
agthba: Tom: *comes back* At least they don't have to be dead for me to fuck them. *:P at gustav*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *:D*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Hey!
echelongirl92: Georg: BURN!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *takes vodka* Shot glasses!
echelongirl92: Georg: i ate them
spots4ever95: Mollie: Hate to shit that out.
echelongirl92: Georg: *rolls eyes* on top of the fridge
spots4ever95: Gustav: That'd hurt, a lot.
echelongirl92: Georg: we need six! unless Chelsea doesn't drink
spots4ever95: Mollie: *looks up, stands on tip toes, stretches*
echelongirl92: Georg: you know, a chair would be easier
spots4ever95: Mollie: *glare, continues*
agthba: Tom: *smirk*
echelongirl92: Georg: just trying to help
spots4ever95: Gustav: Someone should help her. *is too lazy to get up*
echelongirl92: Georg: better do so. Tom would try to rape her
agthba: Tom: *kicks him*
echelongirl92: Georg: *gets up and helps*
spots4ever95: Mollie: No, let me!
echelongirl92: Georg: fine *leaves to living room*
agthba: Tom: *rolls eyes*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *eventually climbs on counter and gets them*
echelongirl92: Georg: Tom! quit staring at her ass!
agthba: Tom: *._.*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *ignore* I did it! *runs back with them*
echelongirl92: Georg: cool. did you get enough?
agthba: Tom: *sigh* What are we playing?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yes. *grins* "I Never"
agthba: Tom: That's stupid.
echelongirl92: Georg: *sees she grabbed every shot glass (twenty)*
echelongirl92: Georg: why did you grab all the shot glasses?
spots4ever95: Mollie: *glares at Tom* Your face is stupid.
echelongirl92: Georg: Oh!
echelongirl92: Georg: burn!
agthba: Tom: Nice comeback. *smirk*
echelongirl92: Georg: TOM!
agthba: Tom: Georg?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Mollie!
echelongirl92: Georg: quit eye raping her!
agthba: Tom: I'm not?
echelongirl92: Georg: liar
agthba: Tom: *-.-* Maybe you're just covering for yourself.
spots4ever95: Gustav,Mollie: *cough*
echelongirl92: Georg: *rolls eyes*
echelongirl92: Georg: *sees Bill and Chelsea walk back in, singing and dancing around like idiots*
echelongirl92: Georg: *notices their hair's messed up...bad*
agthba: Bill: Well, we're back! Chelsea put my bags in my room, please. *sits down besides Tom*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: okay
spots4ever95: Mollie: *o.o flees to go change*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Get attacked?
echelongirl92: Georg: or did you get some
agthba: Tom: *hits Georg*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *snicker*
agthba: Bill: *scoff* It's windy outside.
spots4ever95: Gustav: Sure it is.
echelongirl92: Georg: *rolls eyes and looks out window* liar!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *screams*
agthba: Bill: Well, it was. *pouts*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: what?!
agthba: Tom: *O.o* What is it?
spots4ever95: Mollie: I can't find my Killerpilze hoodie. *v.v*
echelongirl92: Georg: *sees nothing moving in the wind* again, Bill, Liar!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: why is bill a liar?!
spots4ever95: Gustav: *=.=*
agthba: Bill: Shut up, uglyface. *:P*
agthba: Tom: *snickers* Uglyface?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Look at him, he's too pretty, therefore, he is a liar!
echelongirl92: Georg: Bill got some! about damn time!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: some what? cookies?
spots4ever95: Gustav: Of your cookies...
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *walks in and sit on Tom's lap randomly*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i don't have cookies. *pout* i want a cookie
agthba: Tom: *D:FJDIf;j*
agthba: (o.o' it didn't happen...where were we?)
spots4ever95: Mollie: Well, you're sitting on an inside out oreo! So, there's your cookie! *FRANKGRIN*
echelongirl92: Georg: Why are you sitting on Tom's lap? and still wearing his jacket.
agthba: Tom: ...A what? *ttly confused*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i don't get it
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks at Tom* do you?
spots4ever95: Mollie: *facepalm* Nevermind.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: loser
spots4ever95: Mollie: Come again?
echelongirl92: Georg: so, what's with the messy hair, Chelsea?
agthba: Tom: *O.o*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *shrugs*
agthba: Bill: Is that all you care about Georg?
agthba: Tom: Can we just play the game please? *D: *
spots4ever95: Mollie: No comment. *grin, leaves to shower*
echelongirl92: Georg: they won't admit they fucked!!
spots4ever95: Gustav: What the eff?
agthba: Tom: So no game?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: who?
agthba: Bill: What game?
echelongirl92: Georg: you and Bill
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at Georg*
agthba: Bill: Georg I will fucking kill you. *glares*
spots4ever95: Gustav: New, subject, right now, or I'm going throw stuff at youall!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: the crazy-ass fans did it!!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *pout*
echelongirl92: Georg: right
spots4ever95: Gustav: Yeah, well, okay, you need to make me an appointment at the doctor's because I need a check up. *points at Chelsea*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks at Bill* Goerg's being mean! *looks at Gustav* okay
echelongirl92: Chelsea: say please
agthba: Tom: I'm going to bed if we aren't playing a game. Night. *gets up*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Please.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: okay
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *falls to the floor when Tom stood up* ouch! you hurt my ass! Asshole!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *runs out wet and naked, forgot a towel* I'm naked, stay in there! *runs to room*
echelongirl92: Georg: *eyes widen, jaw drops*
agthba: Tom: Your own fault for sitting on me. *:P*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *watching TV*
agthba: Tom: *goes to his room and gets in bed*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *pouts and crosses arms, exposing cleavage* *realized Tom's staring and covers cleavage up* apologize and i'll uncover the cleavage you were staring at!
agthba: Tom: *>.> in bed*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Tom, Mollie's naked in here!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *comes back fully dressed* Heeyy, what happened to what's-his-face? Oh, well, one less hangover.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: jacking off
agthba: Bill: *-.-*
agthba: Bill: He went to bed.
echelongirl92: Georg: *rolls eyes*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Awww, Bill looks sad. *hugs*
agthba: Bill: Fuck off. *xP*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Fine, no friend for you. *crosses arms*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *hugs Bill and runs to Tom's room* Tom Kaulitz get your ass up now and get in here right now! Bill's sad and wants you to play!
agthba: Tom: *D: * But...ah fine. *follows her back out*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *pats Tom on head* Good boy
echelongirl92: Georg: whipped!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *o.o* I don't wanna play anymore. *grin*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: liar!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Prove it.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: I'm Chelsea Ostendorf, bitch! i know all!!
spots4ever95: Mollie: No, you don't. *yawn*
agthba: Tom: *-.-* can we just play the game.
echelongirl92: Georg: admit Chelsea has you whipped!
spots4ever95: Mollie: I thought you said it was lame? *<.<*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: and when did i have Tom whipped?
agthba: Tom: *kicks Georg* Whatever.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Tom?
agthba: Tom: *D: * Whaaat?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *sad face* never mind
spots4ever95: Mollie: Everyone know how to play "I Never?"
agthba: Tom, Bill: *nod*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *sad nod*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Yes.
echelongirl92: Georg: *nod*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Good, I'm not explaining it. I never woke up naked next to the toliet. *smirk*'
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *drink*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *o.o*
agthba: Tom, Bill: *o.O*
echelongirl92: Georg: *doesn't drink* Tom, you have!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *rolls eyes at childish antics* I've never fucked Bill
agthba: Tom: *WTF?*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *cough*
agthba: Bill: See?!
spots4ever95: Gustav: I never got my hand stuck in a box.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: ......last month
spots4ever95: Mollie: *drink*
agthba: Bill: *drink*
echelongirl92: Chelsea, Georg: *drink*
agthba: Tom: I've never gotten a tattoo.
spots4ever95: Mollie: *drink*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *drink*
agthba: Bill: *drinks three times x.x*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *drink four times*
echelongirl92: Georg: where at? *looks at Chelsea*
spots4ever95: Mollie: I know where they are!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: two on back, one on ankle, last you have to guess.
agthba: Bill: My pants haven't fallen down in public.
agthba: Tom: *Glare, drink*
spots4ever95: Gustav: Lip?! Are you like Frank Iero?!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Not lip.
spots4ever95: Gustav: Kinky.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: keep guessing guys!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *points at georg* Your turn!
echelongirl92: Georg: before i go, Chelsea! just tell us.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: it's in between my boobs
spots4ever95: Mollie: I think it's on her ass!
spots4ever95: Gustav: Way off!
echelongirl92: Georg: Tom wants to see!
agthba: Tom: *wasn't paying attention .-.*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Go! *hits Georg upside the head*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: no one gets to see it. Mollie already has because she was with me when i got it. actually, Mollie, you and Diana were with me when i got all my tattoos
echelongirl92: Georg: what all are they??
spots4ever95: Mollie: I was probably asleep when you were doing so! *smile*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: you were awake for this one *points at in between boobs* the guy kept trying to cop a feel. *looks at Georg* this one *in between boobs* says 'One Love' top back tat says 'all we are is bullets' and the bottom back tat says 'Mars is coming. Are you ready?' Ankle tat is a 30 seconds to mars glyph
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yeah, yeah, yeah *hits Georg* Go! Or I will kill you!
echelongirl92: Georg: okay okay. I've never fucked Tom. i dunno!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *o.o* Bill, take a drink.
agthba: Bill: *-.-* Bitch.
agthba: Tom: *-.-*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yes, but I am catering to you! *:P*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: That was mean, Mollie! it's none of our business if they fuck!
agthba: Tom, Bill: *Glare*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: what? just saying. i doubt you guys fuck. Bill likes girls and we ALL know Tom likes girl
echelongirl92: (*girls)
spots4ever95: Gustav: *snicker*
echelongirl92: Georg: okay! Tom! your turn!
agthba: Tom: I've never licked a man. *-.-*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *x10*
spots4ever95: Gustav: *o.o*
agthba: Bill: Georg you better take a drink. *glare*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: ew! so you've licked women?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Of course he has!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *realized that sounded dirty* ew *shudder* do not want to think about that
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yeah, you did! You think he's hot~ You wanna sex him~ *taunts somemore*
echelongirl92: Georg: *kicks Bill*
agthba: Bill: *glare*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks to see Tom smirking* *glares at Mollie* shut up
echelongirl92: Georg: what? you do?
agthba: Tom: *?*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *kicks Georg* shut up
echelongirl92: Georg: why?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: you're being a bitch!
echelongirl92: Georg: so? you're not denying it!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *kicks Georg*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *hugs Bill* You're kinda cute.
agthba: Bill: Me and him *pokes Tom* We're twins.
echelongirl92: Georg: So, you want Tom, Chelsea?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *buries face in hands*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Your point?
echelongirl92: Georg: Mollie!
spots4ever95: Mollie: What do you want?!
echelongirl92: Georg: chelsea isn't denying that she wants Tom!
spots4ever95: Mollie: What do you want me to do about it?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *throws random object (teddy bear) at Georg8
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Mollie! Tell him to quit being mean!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Okay, everybody, get naked! That solves everything!
echelongirl92: Georg, Chelsea: NO!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Aww. Smash all my hopes and dreams! *;~;*
agthba: Tom, Bill: *o.o*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: besides, i don't want to see any of you naked thank you
spots4ever95: Mollie: *mutters under breath something about Tom and Georg*
echelongirl92: Georg: *coughTomcough*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at Georg and Mollie*
agthba: Tom: *smirk*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *rolls eyes*
echelongirl92: Georg: you never did deny wanting Tom
spots4ever95: Mollie: *dances to the song in her head, which is Take me on the floor o.o*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: right....
spots4ever95: Mollie: Come on, Chelsea! Dance! *pulls her up*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: no! i don't wanna dance with you! *dances anyway*
echelongirl92: Georg: you'll dance with Tom though
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Drop it Georg!
echelongirl92: Georg: admit ii!
echelongirl92: *it
spots4ever95: Mollie: *sits on Georg* Hello, how are you on this fine day?
echelongirl92: Georg: good. why are you sitting on me?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: she wants you!
agthba: Tom: *rolls eyes*
agthba: Bill: *crawled up and went to sleep a while ago*
spots4ever95: Mollie: I do?*o.o* Ah, well, it's one of the two.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Billa! Wake up!
echelongirl92: Georg: at least she admits it
spots4ever95: Mollie: * :D*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i have nothing to admit
spots4ever95: Mollie: *sits on Gustav* I'm playing musical laps. *:D*
spots4ever95: Gustav: I see.
echelongirl92: Georg: who's the other?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i thought we were playing 'I Never!'
agthba: Tom: *pokes Bill*
spots4ever95: Mollie: You talking to me? *o.o*
echelongirl92: Georg: yeah
echelongirl92: Chelsea: duh!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Tom. *:p* And I have A.D.D. you can't expect me to stay with one thing this long.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: hey!
agthba: Tom: What're we talking about?! *o.o*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Hello. *sits on Bill*
agthba: Bill: *falls off couch*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *realized what she said and covered her mouth with her hands*
echelongirl92: Georg: proof!
echelongirl92: Georg: *points at chelsea*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *pokes Bill* Oh no! Not the Diva!
agthba: Bill: *broke*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: be nice!
echelongirl92: Georg: i have found proof!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: hits Georg
spots4ever95: Gustav: Awww, the slaves like Tom! How cute!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at Georg and Gustav* you guys suck! go suck a dick! *gets up embarrassed and goes into bathroom, slamming door*
agthba: Tom: Nice job, guys. *-.-*
echelongirl92: Georg: told you
echelongirl92: Georg: go make her better, Tom
spots4ever95: Mollie: Aww, she left. *runs to console*
agthba: Tom: Why me? You did it!
echelongirl92: Georg: she likes you, duh! she'll kill me!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *knocks on door* Chelsea~
echelongirl92: Chelsea: you encouraged! go away!
spots4ever95: Mollie: I will break a door down. Let me in.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at door* i have to pee. leave me alone!
echelongirl92: Georg: psh
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yeah, and I'm a man. Open the door!
echelongirl92: Georg: just leave her alone. she's probably fantasizing about Tom
spots4ever95: Mollie: *throws a shoe at him*Fuckyou!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *walks out of bathroom, punches Georg, then attempts to go back in*
echelongirl92: Georg: ow. what did i do?
agthba: Tom: *grabs her arm*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *has taken door off hinges and is now sitting on door*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *turns to punch, stopping when she sees Tom* *looks past and glares at Georg* let me go
spots4ever95: Gustav: I loved that door! Put it back!
echelongirl92: Georg: *puts hands up as to surrender*
agthba: Tom: Nope.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glared at Tom* now
spots4ever95: Mollie: *steals Chelsea* You, come here now.
echelongirl92: Georg: i didn't do it!
agthba: Tom: Why?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Mollie, i love you and all, but let me go. i want starbucks
spots4ever95: Mollie: Nu uh, I'm coming with you. *crosses arms*
agthba: Tom: *-.- lets her go* Bring me back some.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *phone rings, song being "We're in Heaven (techno version)* *eyes widen and throws phone at wall* Leave me alone!
echelongirl92: Georg: *is confused*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *shakes head* *phone starts ringing again* *walked over and stops on it*
echelongirl92: Georg: chelsea? why are you stomping on your phone?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *breaks phone* no one saw that
spots4ever95: Mollie: I did, I'm telling mom.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *rolls eyes* sure.
agthba: Tom: *.-.*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Anyone else want starbucks? Mollie won't let me go by myself
spots4ever95: Mollie: I'm going with you! *:D*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *sigh* fine
echelongirl92: Georg: i do1
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *is pissed at Georg and ignores him**
spots4ever95: Mollie: And you want a...
echelongirl92: Chelsea: good punch in the face *glares at Georg pissed*
echelongirl92: Georg: what did i do?!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *walks out of living room
spots4ever95: Mollie: I will end you if you don't tell me what you want! *tackle*
echelongirl92: Georg: whatever. i don't care
echelongirl92: Georg: i mean coffee!
spots4ever95: Mollie: This is awkward. *stands up* Just black coffee?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: can i end him?
spots4ever95: Mollie: No, he needs to do Georg stuff and be in the way.
echelongirl92: Georg: i don't care. any coffee will do
spots4ever95: Mollie: You! What's your name again?*points at Gustav*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at Georg* can i punch him again? i'm still pissed again
spots4ever95: Gustav: *hurt face* Gustav.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: you knew he name! he's the nice G!
echelongirl92: Georg: i'm nice!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *hits Georg*
spots4ever95: Mollie: For the last time, no you can not punch Georg, you will hurt his face. And no, I did not know his name. Gustav, do *grabs Chelsea* Hey, hey, no!
spots4ever95: Gustav: Iced mocha, please.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *gets stopped from punching Georg* please, Mollie? he pissed me off with his little fantazing comment!
echelongirl92: Georg: no
echelongirl92: Chelsea: fuck you! i wasn't talking to you!
echelongirl92: Georg: no thank you. that's what Tom's for.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *looks at Mollie* see?!
spots4ever95: Mollie: No. Sit. You two behave! My god, it's like I'm a mother here. *thinks about it* I'd kill myself I were your guys' mother.
agthba: Tom: Georg just shut up for once in your life?
spots4ever95: Gustav: *D: *
echelongirl92: Chelsea: sorry Mollie. can i have starbucks, pleae?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Yes! You can have starbucks!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: thank you Mollie. *glares at Georg*
spots4ever95: Mollie: How old are you, Georg?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *pout* i want a hug
spots4ever95: Gustav: *hugs Chelsea*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: thank you, Gusti
echelongirl92: *hugs back*
echelongirl92: Georg: *tries to hug*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Sit!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at Georg, causing him to back away and sit*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: can we have starbucks now?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Put him in time out for uhh..how ever old he is minutes. And, now Chelsea and I leave. *:D*
echelongirl92: Georg: i'm two
echelongirl92: Chelsea: you act it
spots4ever95: Gustav: Plus twenty.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glare*
echelongirl92: *glare at Georg*
echelongirl92: Georg: *shrugs8
spots4ever95: *Later, at starbucks*
spots4ever95: Mollie: So, uhm...you like Tom?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: stupid Georg with his testosteron and his dick
echelongirl92: Chelsea: huh? what?
spots4ever95: Mollie: Never mind.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *shrugs and gets starbucks for everyone*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Are you going to tell them about Max?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: not important. they didn't ask why i destroyed my phone. Max can't get ahold of me know, so it's nothing to worry about
echelongirl92: *now
spots4ever95: Mollie: Mhm.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *thinks i wonder if I can kill Georg and not get the blame?*
spots4ever95: Mollie: So, uhm, Tom...he's really cute. *o.o*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *shrugs*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Do you like him or not?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Hey Mollie, is there a reason why it's illegal to kill people for beind dumb?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i dunno
spots4ever95: Mollie: I have no clue, but I know you'll go to jail if you do so. But, like, you wouldn't get mad if uhm, nevermind.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: damn it!
spots4ever95: Mollie: What? Mad 'cos you can't kill Georg?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *pout* let's get these back to the guys before Georg comes up with something to say to me to piss me off
echelongirl92: yeah
spots4ever95: *back at the place with the guys*
echelongirl92: Georg: Chelsea--
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Shut up before i hit you
echelongirl92: Georg: Chelsea, i
agthba: Tom: *asleep*
spots4ever95: Mollie: *gives Gustav his coffee and gives Georg his*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: i said shut up before i hit you damn it!
echelongirl92: Georg: *sigh* *drinks coffee*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Let her calm down, Georg. Where's my Billa?!
agthba: Bill: *in shower, yells* TOM USED ALL THE HOT WATER! *DIVAMODE*
echelongirl92: Georg: bathroom *points to bathroom with curtain as door*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Pee in it, that always makes it warmer! *takes a sip of Georg's coffee*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *hears Mollie's phone ring, song being 'Lollipop' by Framing Hanley* *goes to grab Mollie's phone*
agthba: Bill: *D: * They're back already?
spots4ever95: Mollie: No, we're ghosts! *didn't hear phone*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *almost grabs Mollie's phone*
echelongirl92: Georg: why is 'Lollipop' playing?
spots4ever95: Gustav: *o.o* Really? I did not know.
spots4ever95: Mollie: Oh! My phone!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *grabs phone, only to have it taken away*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Gah! Georg! I'm going to kill you!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Mine. *looks* Heeey, look, restricted call!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: that's code for "DO NOT FUCKING ANSWER IT!
agthba: Bill: Hey, who took my clothes?!
spots4ever95: Mollie: *o.o hides * NOT ME!!
echelongirl92: Georg: Tom did!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Mollie, do not answer that phone!
echelongirl92: Georg: why?
echelongirl92: Chelsea: shut up
echelongirl92: Georg: why though.
echelongirl92: Chelsea: shut UP!
spots4ever95: Mollie: Both of you shut the fuck up~!
echelongirl92: Chelsea: tell him to quit asking questions and trying to wake Tom up
echelongirl92: Georg: *rolls eyes*
agthba: Bill: *walks out in towel* Where are my clothes? *D: *
echelongirl92: Chelsea: Georg did it
echelongirl92: Georg: Nein
spots4ever95: Mollie: Both of you. *turns around* Oh my god! Clothes please!
agthba: Bill: *D: runs off to room*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *inconspicuiously looks at Bill's star tat*
echelongirl92: Georg: So Mollie, who was calling you
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *glares at Georg*
spots4ever95: Mollie: Some man named 'Restricted.' *smile*
echelongirl92: Chelsea: *sighs in relief*
July 16th, 2009 at 07:42pm