Sarge is a GIRL! LMAO

So it turns out my step brother thought that his dog was a boy. What an idiot Sarge as he became known is actually a GIRL. Yes a girl, I have no idea how he thought she was a boy. There are no male body parts on her.

My mom and I took it into our own hands on what to name her, the name is pretty lame but it works for her Bubbles. I still can't believe that him and his dad didn't know, they had her for about 4 months!

It was probably the third or second time I seen her, and the first time I seen her belly. Well no wonder my other dog stays around now, as my mom puts it he can have sex all the time now! The one problem that we are going to have, is we have to get her fixed so she don't get knocked up by my dog or some other male.

July 16th, 2009 at 10:09pm