I feel love...possibly.

Actually, I'm not at all sure, hence the reason I'm asking for your opinion. Basically there's a lad who I like immensely and, from a purely curious point of view, I'm wondering whether most people would classify what I feel as love, or simply infatuation. (I'm going to try to do this in as painful a manner as possible, but bear with me if a few cliches manage to slip through.) Here is the evidence:

1. He is literally the last thing I think about before I fall asleep, even without meaning to. (Whoa great start.)

2. I was thinking the other day about what I'd do for him, and I actually would do anything. I'd even fuck Bob Fossil (which, if you watch the Boosh, you'll know is kind of a big deal).

3. When other people hug me, I imagine it's him.

4. He has a girlfriend and I don't hate her at all, but whenever I think of her I wonder how the fuck she manages to stay away from him. At all. Ever. Like, how does she go to work knowing she could be with him?

5. I have dreams about him. (Creepy? Me? Why, never!)

So, yes. What's the diagnosis? Be harsh. Be brutally honest. I want to hear it.
July 17th, 2009 at 03:25am