Tough...well to me.

I know this is probably mediocrely sad to all the trouble and hardships other people may be going through right now but i really want to get it out.

My dog is going to die soon. This may not be important to you people who have family members in hospitals and such, but this is as close as it gets for me. My dog is about 17 years old and was with our family before me, of course at his age death is not far away but still its working slow. He has been with me my whole life and i think i'll lose my mind if i'm home alone and I don't have to constantly get up to let him out or pet him when he's endlessly barking.

Losing pets has been really hard for me, not only am I a total animal freak but me and my mom both think that whenever he goes is just going to get the ball rolling in our family. We have a lot of older and slightly more unhelthy people on one side of the family and they're not doing too well. Even my own Dad is having health problems. So not only do I fear losing my longest know friend in the world but fear losing the family that i would die for!

Well if your still reading this thanks for taking an interest but if your like me with someone who is very unwell in the family I hope you can overcome it like i have a few times!
Anyway let's get out of depressive mode!^^'

-Love jya'
July 17th, 2009 at 05:18am