30 Days of Night or The Lost Boys?

I'm thinking about typing up another fanfiction. Last night, I watched both these movies and ideas started coming into my head. I was really digging the Lost Boys idea, but I likes the 30 Days of Night idea too. I'm just stuckk! I need so help! Maybe I should do both? I'm kinda on the lazy side, so I need to do one! I need your help, people! Help, help helpp!

Lost Boys idea:
New girl comes in from New York. She is tough, a fighter, and has an attitude. She is new to Santa Carla. She gets a 2 jobs on the Boardwalk and she notices these five boys around. Always in trouble and causing problems. One of them notice her, too. She thinks that maybe this could be love for her, until she finds out he is a bloodsucker. What will she do?

30 Days of Night idea:
She is 21 years old and works at a bar in New Orleans. She was born and raised there. One night, she was walking home from her late night bar work. She watched as an attack was made on a poor woman. She ran home that night & stayed up late wondeing. The next night, she went to check it out and the body was gone. Later there is a string of attacks happening all round the city and she started to do her research. She finds out some weird things about her and these creatues. She turnes out to be HALF! Does she end this or join them?

I will NOT take Twlight suggestions AT ALL.
Not into SPARKLING vampires.
Sorry, fans.
July 17th, 2009 at 03:27pm