Jealousey I'm done with you

Ok, let me break this down for ya. If your gonna make negative comments about this topic I'm about to rant about, don't bother reading this, but if your interested and would like to comment PLEASE DO!! I would like to know what you think about jealousy and how it effects friendships and relationships as well. Though, I do not know about jealousy on the relationship side since I'm not into this little business called dating. But, I will say that Jealousy has become a big part of my school since day one. Constantly, I'm faced with those who glare at me down the halleway, just because I happened to look nice (not trying to be narcissistic here, just trying to prove my point) and ask me that dumb question ( seriously guys, why the sudden burst of idiocy) "Who are you trying to impress." GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Come on, is it really a crime to want to look nice for a change. Sometimes I like to dress up because it boosts my confidence and makes me feel good....and most importantly...ITS WHAT I ENJOY!!! When people ask me "Who are you trying to impress," I simply answer by saying "Myself." Looking nice sometimes makes me feel good, not to impress some boy. I do it for me and only me!! I'm sick of jealous people giving me those dumb comments about how I'm attempting to conform withen the crowd..uh, no way!! First off, I hate shopping, unless its with friends...but the clothes I wear are my own unique style. I try to conform to my own ways of clothing. So, if by reading this you think I'm concieted..go head...think what you want to think. I just had to post this to let all those green monsters know that I am one who isn't afraid to be who she is.

Jealousy...go and dig your own grave...and STAY, there!!
July 17th, 2009 at 09:41pm