
I'm sure a lot of you guys have gotten into a fight with somebody, whether it be a family member, friend, or a complete stranger on a bus. Either way, fighting is a part of living. In a sense, or depending on how you act around others. I have a certain friend, who's been mentioned twice I believe, who brings out a bad side of me. When I'm with her, I fight with my parents for nothing.

It's gotten so bad lately, that I can't even be at home without tip-toeing around. So I've come to the terrible conclusion, that I can't be friends with her anymore. Not only because she brings out my bitchy side, but because she's constantly trying to get me to drink again. Constantly shoving a drink in my hand, and expecting me to drink it. I pour it out, and get apple juice when she isn't looking. Besides that though, I told her that today. She went psycho, and said my parents are insane.

No, they were right about you Sara. All you want to do is: Fight, drink, smoke, or get high. Those are the only constants in your life. Sorry, I'm taking myself out.

I have this other friend, who decided it'd be good to fight over twitter. It started as simply, me not giving her a ride to the midnight showing of Transformers 2. To even calling me a bitch, and saying that I'm only friends with her because she has a big house. I'm sorry I live in an apartment and can't have parties every night in the summer like you? Jesus, THEN. She had the nerve to say that it's because I shop at Zumiez, Journeys, and Hot Topic and she shops at Abercrombie, Hollister, Wet Seal, and Charlotte Rousse. I don't judge friends on what they wear, if they have a fun personality I'm more than down to hang with them.

So all in all, the past couple days have been full of fighting with just about everybody. Yes, I did fight with a stranger on the bus the other day. My car's brakes were fucked, so I took public transportation. Some random fuck decided to tell me that I had to move, and that the seat I was sitting in was his. He was ignorant and demanded I sit in the back of the bus. One, I'm not a slave. Two, I'm not African American I'm filipino. Three, you're an ass.

July 18th, 2009 at 12:04am