harry potter rant!!!!!

i am completely obsessed with harry potter. so naturally, i've been counting down the days until harry potter and the half-blood prince came out since i saw a preview for it in february (or sometime around then) and i finally saw it thursday, july 16. and i have a few things to say.

in my opinion, IT SUCKED!! there was almost no action like in the other films, they didn't even say the spells before the bolts flew out of their wands, and a bunch of other crap like this:


differences from the book: (most major of course)
* love:
• tonks and lupin were supposed to be in love and lupin was supposed to question it (they were seen together @ the weasleys but that was it)
• there was supposed to be a lot more of ginny and harry together and they were supposed to "break up" at the end
• Fleur Delacour and bill weasley were supposed to be engaged
• the part where dumbledore dies in the book sound like most of the school is fighting but in the movie, its just the death eaters, dumbledore, and harry
• the special effects just weren't as great as they were in past films
* dialogue:
• when harry drank the lucky potion (don't remember what it was called) he acted drunk (not at all like what he was in the book... i think)
• again, they didn't say any spells
• apparently, the movie was confusing to non-readers (i went with my church youth group and sat in between two people who had never read the books and they both needed explanations about stuff a lot)
* other:
• they didn't show defense against the dark arts classes at all (i thought they would considering that snape was the teacher)
• they didn't talk about how voldemort/death eaters were killing a bunch of people's family members
• there weren't any lessons for the 6th years on how to apparate/disapparate
• worst for me... NO NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM!!!! (he was in one scene for 10 seconds)
• death eaters set the weasley's house on fire at christmas in the movie (death eaters didn't even show up at the burrow at christmas!!)

the good thing for me though was that they got the part in the cave (when dumbledore and harry find a horcrux) pretty accurate compared to the book. that was one part where i didn't blink and my mouth was wide open. and they did a really good job with lavender brown. she was hilarious!!!

i'm hoping that if i maybe watch the movie later on, it won't suck as bad as i think it did. and it isn't just me that thinks it sucked!! my youth group (25 people went) thought it was horrible too!! when the movie was over and the credits started, it was dead silent for a few seconds until one of my friends said "that sucked." it was a sad day :( so now i'm a little glad that they're making the 7th movie into two parts so they don't leave out anything.

okay, ranting's over!! have a good day! oh yeah, i love these movies, and i'm not very critical when it comes to the plot (i made a huge exception with the 5th movie and how they left out all of quidditch) so it was kind of strange that i was the one to complain about this one. okay, now the ranting's over... i'm serious this time. if anyone agrees with me about any of this, then comment. (comment if you disagree too! i want you to convince me to not be mad at the harry potter movies anymore!)
July 19th, 2009 at 12:19am