Why dont' you STFU and tak a bite out of Drama?!?!?

Ok, so a lot is going on in my life and i'm pretty sure none of you care so i doubt you'll even read this. Life sucks pretty much. My family and I moved into a new house way far away from any of my friends. The house is small as hell and my room is like a box! It sucks ass!!! I've been gaining weight. So far i've gained ten pounds which also sucks to say the least. I hate it! I hate everything and now i fell as if i'm not good enough for anyone! I feel i'm not good for you people on mibba, any of my friends, boys, and sometimes my family. I hate drama. Maybe i should tell you what's going on....

My brother's wife told me she got raped and he thinks she cheated on him and they just had a baby who is now 5 months old and looks like my brother but he says he still doesn't know if it's his kid so now they are gonna DNA test the poor kid because they want to know fersure if it's his kid.

As I've said before I'm gaining weight and it sucks! because of this weight gain I don't feel secure anymore and i'm always at my fucking house doing nothing because, well there is nothing to do in this goddamn house! I still have no bf after the last one which ended in february! My friend gets bf's all the damn time and mostly it's the guys that i like. I hate when that happens. I'm always bored and it sucks as well!!! (sorry i say a lot of things suck.)

Well, that's all i have to say for now. TTFN. If that's ever again.
July 19th, 2009 at 07:16am