All Time Low Concert

Okay, so as some of you guys may know, I went to the All Time Low, We The Kings, Cartel, and Days Difference concert on the 15th (July).

Holy wow it was amazing.

To everyone who said that I’d have an amazing time, amazing isn’t even a big enough word for it!

Anyways, I’ll start from the beginning. The show started at 6:30, but we (my biffle and I) got there about 15 minutes late, which meant that Days Difference had already started. When our ride pulled up in the lot to drop us off, who should I see but my little Mickey Mouse?

Yes, Flyzik was the first one I saw. I promised myself that I would try not to act all fan girly, and I’m glad I was still in the vehicle when that happened because my stomach literally dropped and I started having major heart palpitations. My friend, Brianne was all, “What the fuck? Why are you freaking out?”

She is an All Time Low fan, but she isn’t die-hard like I am. She was at first more excited to see We The Kings...and she didn’t even know who Travis was. If she was someone else, I would’a shot her in the foot, but since I love her, I didn’t.

Anyways, when we got in, Days Difference was already playing their set and we stood to the left of the stage, near the entrance. The inside of the venue itself was not that big, for which I was grateful for because that upped the chances of them coming out for signing and also upped the chances of being able to get to the front of the crowd.

So we were about ¾ away from the front of the stage, not too shabby, and even though no one actually knew all the words to many of the Days Difference songs, there was already a mosh pit happening. I wanted to be in the mosh pit from the beginning :P But Brianne was kinda freaked out.

When Days Difference was finished their set, they played some ordinary music ranging from Lady Gaga to Blink 182 (FTW!) to The All-American Rejects; that was when I realized how loud the music actually was :P

Oh, and I totally believe that they’ll get really big. They are really talented, something kinda new is that the lead singer also plays the keyboard, but still keeps the energy up, and they are all good-looking, and humble, sweet, guys. So, if you haven’t heard of them and like All Time Low (assuming you do, since you’re reading this which I’ve just added onto an ATL story...anyways) go check them out.

Cartel came out afterwards, and more people got excited.; more people were singing along, and that was where we saw our first crowd surfer. Crazy bastard almost tea-bagged Brianne :P

Will (lead singer)’s hair was long and he looked absolutely adorable! It was during their set that we started getting pushed closer and closer to the middle of the mosh pit. We were like THIS close to people we didn’t know.

After Cartel was We The Kings and people went absolutely CRAZY Travis came out as his adorable little self and they kicked it off. Everyone was singing along at the top of their lungs and I, at that point was ¼ away from the stage, still a little to the left, honestly wondering how the hell I’d gotten there. Then, when they were singing Skyway Avenue, or Secret Valentine (not sure exactly) who else but Mr. Fuckin’ Gaskarth came out!

I whipped out my camera and thought I’d begun recording, but it was only until the end that I realized I’d never hit record. Nonetheless, that didn’t put too much of a damper on my otherwise amazing night.

Note: that same day, ATL performed on Breakfast Television Toronto, and Alex was wearing an adorable green and grey sweater (the kind where you don’t actually wear a shirt underneath) and when he came out and sang with WTK, he was still wearing that. It was because ATL also did an interview for MOD which ended at 6, so I assumed the just came from there.

The last song that WTK played was Check Yes Juliet and it was during then that Brianne and I got thrust to the front of the crowd. We were at the head of the stage, right in the middle. Prime real estate. It was freaking scary though. People were literally crushing us against the barricade, but it was all worth it. We managed to stay there while they were setting up for All Time Low.

So, we brought bras. Well, I brought bras. Three to be precise, and on the way there, we designed them all cool and whatnot. 2/3 of them had my number. Hahaha.

Note: I noticed (and took a picture of) a little stuffed toy on stage right. On one of the huge amps was sitting a little ole Mickey Mouse! Matt had his mic set up there, which made a while lotta sense. Anywho, I thought it was freaking adorable.

When my boys finally came out, I had one bra in each hand, an handed Brianne the other one. I whipped one right when they came out which hit Alex in the chest!

He paused for a second to look at what hit him and then he said to Jack, “Bro, it’s a bra!” into the mic. The second one just landed on the stage. They first played Lost In Stereo followed by Six Feet Under The Stars. In total I’m pretty sure they played 12 songs including:

Jasey Rae
Remembering Sunday (Very fitting ;))
Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don’t)
Break Your Little Heart
Poppin’ Champagne
Coffee Shop Soundtrack
Holly (Would You Turn Me On?)
Dear Maria

Not in that order though.

When Alex was talking in between songs, Brianne threw the bra I gave her and it landed at Zack’s feet. Zack picked it up, looked at it, and then tossed it to Alex (Just to clarify, Jack is on the left, then Alex, and the Zack is on the right, with Rian at the back with the drums). Alex then took it by the strap, swung it around a bit, and tossed it to Jack, who then fiddled with it, and hung it on his mic stand!

I have 2 pictures at the most of him with it.

Their talks between songs were hilarious! There was this one, something about Roger that I would just kill if I tried to repeat it, and sadly, I didn’t get it on camera, but it was a hoot!

Then Jack started complaining that his side of the room was dead (by this point, we were a little to the right [Zack’s side]) Then Alex came up with some funny shit:
He made our side yell, “Wake the fuck up!”
Other side, “My dog just died!”
My side, “Well, I didn’t know that! Sorry!”
Other side, “It’s okay.”

But better than that ^ and more swearing P

Then some crazy people started chanting, “Wall of death! Wall of death! Wall of death!” And Alex promised that he would incorporate it into the show. Then some random crowd surfer surfed right up to the stage, past the barricade and some humungous security guard plucked him out of the crowd and booted him to the back.

Then there was the wall of death. Having no idea what the fuck that was, Brianne and I were standing right in the middle of it. Not a good idea. Alex split the crowd in half, and sang, “1, 2, 3, 4!” to start both the running, and the next song.

Holy crap it was so much fun! Got squashed by an incredibly cute guy. Hahaha.
They said that they were gonna come out for signing, and we wanted to be there first, but still wanted to buy some merch first, so we stealthily escaped during the last song. Now, I love Vinny and Chris (Merch guy for WTK) but I knew that Vinny was the more serious of the two. It was slim-pickin’s for ATL stuff, and I wanted a hoodie (which were gone) and the shirts were all (XLs) so I decided that since I’m going to Chicago soon, that I’d just buy ATL stuff then.

So I bought a We The Kings reversible hoodie and Nothing Personal (finally!) and then asked Chris if I could get a picture taken with them.

Chris said, “You want me take a picture of you guys?”
Me, “No. Can I get a picture with you guys?”
Chris (all happy and excited), “Really!? Sure!”

Then Brianne took a picture of me standing with Vinny and Chris, who by the way asked for my name and both introduced themselves like such sweeties!

Then we went outside to wait. I knew that We The Kings wasn’t gonna come out to sign because Travis was invited to DJ at a club where they invited people to go, but we weren’t able to go, seeing as we didn’t even have fake IDs....yet. :P

So the guys from Days Difference came out first, and they actually came to the fan side of the barricade and they all signed my pants (I so believe they will get huge one day, and my pants will be priceless.) And we didn’t get to see Cartel come out, since I had to leave, but fist Rian and Zack came out.

Some people that I was talking to said that Alex and Jack usually send the two out first to deal with the “crazy people” and then they come out when they crowd has died down. So, by the time they came out, my camera was dead ( *bawling* ) so I didn’t get any pictures with them, but they did sign my pants!

I had to swing my leg over the barricade so they could sign my pants security was freaking out because they thought I was gonna jump over it. I was contemplating it, but they were like RIGHT THERE, and they were HUGE and I'm tiny :P

So, here is my youtube account.

All of my videos] are from the concert. Sorry of they’re all short or shaky, or involve fan girls screaming. I was in the middle of the mosh pit 99% of the time, so yeah.
Also, about 3 or 4 of them are not fully processed as of right now. I don’t know if by the time you are reading this, they are ready or not, but if I haven’t got the chance to edit them or anything, my apologies.

Here’s the link to my facebook album. Don’t worry, it’s not set on private, so click away.
I didn’t take as many pictures as I thought I did. My plan was to take as many videos as possible, then once I posted them on youtube, I’d just screen cap from there, and voila! Instant pictures!


Also, there are a lot more videos from that night. Just in the bar with Related Videos. Most of them are better and longer, so feel free to check them out!

To end this four Word page long thinger, I just have to say that it was absolutely without a doubt, the best night of my life. And if I had to lose my concert virginity to anyone, it’d have to be All Time Low, and for that, I’m glad.
July 19th, 2009 at 08:37am