Hollywood Undead, fo' sho'

That concert...was...amazing. Des Moines, Iowa, the Val Air Ballroom.
hence my current username ;D
that place is the shit. seriously. it's like an old ballroom, which is cool, and you can feel the ground vibrate and the building shake when the plays play. it's awesome.

Personally, I couldn't stand the first two bands...I'm sorry :P
Mest and The Sleeping...yea no thanks.
What's the lead singer of Mest's name...uh...can't think of it...but he was nice to look at.
When he wasn't singing :P
Cuz I can't stand his voice...D:

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus was there too. I thought hmm, I've heard them, they're okay. But they weren't the best live...they kinda sounded...off. They played some songs I knew, but I could hardly recognize them cuz they sounded pretty bad...but it was okay, I suppose.

HU was the only reason I wanted to go, anyway ;D
When Red Jumpsuit was on, I was leaning against this post thing at the edge of the ballroom, right below the little step up area and I looked over and saw this guy that looked like J-dog. He did a song with Mest earlier, so I knew what he was wearing and stuff. He was standing with what looked like his mom and this other guy, so I was like hmm, that guy kinda looks like J-Dog. Must just be my imagination. So I look over again and look at what he's wearing, then realize it actually is J-Dog and the guy standing next to him is Da Kurlzz, and I swear I almost had a heart attack, lol. I mean, those guys are my two favorites and they were standing like 20 feet away from me. Of course I'm gunna freak out!

But anyway, my mom was wondering what was wrong with me since I was staring at her with my mouth wide open, and I told her it was two guys from Hollywood Undead over there, unmasked, and she should take a picture. So she did, and it lit up the whole ballroom cuz she forget to shut the flash off. I was like, mom really? But a couple minutes later Da Kurlzz looked over and I was too afraid to look back. Then I chickened out of walking over and asking them for a picture, since no one else seemed to recognize them and I didn't want to draw attention to them or anything...so yeah. I still regret not asking them.

When HU came on it was amazing. During their set I got covered in beer, rubbed on by hot sweaty people, since it was REALLY hot in there. Even Charlie made a craack about it. He was all, "This heat isn't good for the ladies' hair." and the other guys were all talking about how hot it was. Funny Man took off his shirt during the second song and, might I say, it was a nice view ;). He kept humping the microphone stand and moving his hips around all the time. My mom thought I was crazy cuz I was laughing at him.

So yeah, there's a lot more to say, but this is already a really long journal and I doubt anyone cares to hear about the awesomeness that is HU and hear me beat myself up cuz I didn't ask my lovers for a picture. Even with all that, I wouldn't change the concert. Not one bit.

Oh, and after listening to nothing but HU for almost two weeks straight [keeping in mind the concert was July 10] I finally stropped. Because I was forced. Just cuz my family doesn't like HU as much and I do doesn't mean they should deprive me!

Just to spite them I"m going to listen to some "Everywhere I Go". Cuz Charlie Scene has got a weenie that he loves to show ;D. Peace!
July 20th, 2009 at 12:17am