Mibba Pedos. Someone Call Chris Hansen.

So I guess a new trend is starting where you talk about why your Mibba/Twitter friends are the shit. I think I can handle that.

Audrey_T She pwns for several reasons. She betas my stuff and makes it awesomer. Seriously, you guys think I'm a good writer on my own? Oh no, that's all Audrey. I mean, I can barely make a sentence without her. The only reason I'm able to write this coherently is cuz she'll beat me if I don't. Just kidding. Maybe. Another reason she pwns, cuz she's usually the one of our Twitter clan who can suck it up and be an adult. Usually. She's like our mommy, if Mommy also had an intense love of bandom and supernatural stuff. And she knows what "The Tribe" is. I thought that was just me. :D

Jinxeh She writes one of my favorite OC fics ever, "No Man's Land". She's cowriting a fic with Audrey_T called "Awkward". She's got alot of peircings and a fauxhawk. Shall I say more? Yes, I shall. She's one of the hardest working people I know. Seriously, 60 hour work weeks, holding down 2 jobs, and still being able to write stories that have actual substance and massive amounts of planning behind them? I couldn't do that. I'd die. She's got some of the most amusing tweets I've read, and introduced me to fuck_you mcr and efags, LJ comms where I spend most of my days. So there.

I would talk about Gurren/Heretical and how awesome his stories "When Mibba Found Love" and "Finding Dujo" are, and how brave he is to actually write slash about The Big Cheese, and how me and him always have fun making fun of a certain pretentious Mibbian by the name of.. well he knows who we make fun of. I would say how I respect his anarchic (sp?) lack of a Twitter icon, and his awkward Latinness, and his willingness to listen to me rant ever if he thinks saying something will make me cry harder. I would say all that, but he's straight and I don't associate with his kind.

Sardonic Grin scared the fuck out of me when I first saw her on Mibba. I've seen her lay the whoopdown on people who've annoyed her via Mibba, and it's frightening. I'm just glad I'm on her good side. Aside from striking fear into the hearts of annoying 13 years olds the world over, she's also incredibly sarcastic, and hilarious. I get so many LULZ from her Tweets about anything. She's also an incredible writer. And she likes her boobs. I respect people who are as proud of their boobs as I am of mine.

Dancing Caveman/ShockTwist: You guys may know her as "That bitchy chick who Jefferee Starr called out! ZOMG!" but I know her as an incredibly intelligent person who will tell you what you need to hear whether you wanna hear or not. Some people just can't handle what she says, and that;s their loss. When you get to know her, she's a funny girl, a great listener, and just an overall awesome person to be friends with. I'm sure if we met IRL, we'd be tighter than Bill Beckett's pants. Oh, and did I mention the love of the Joker? She loves the Joker. For that, I love her more.

So yeah, those are my Twitter/Mibba peeps. I find them very awesome. I'm sure you all will too. :D
July 20th, 2009 at 01:54am