The life of a unicyclist

I started to unicycle when I was about nine years old. I joined in an after-school program. They had activities you could choose from and juggling was on the list.
Once at the activity I saw unicycles and stilts and all kinds of things. I was so excited, I kept saying that the biggest thing I wanted to learn how to do is juggle. I not once wanted to ride a unicycle ever. I thought is was dumb and stupid.
I kept trying to juggle and it was getting more and more frustrating. I just couldn't;t grasp the hang of it,
My friends were in the after-school program and they were already trying to unicycle. They loved it and tole me to try. I got on the wall and after four or five months I was off the wall and unicycling.
All my friends keep making fun of me now because as much as I wanted to juggle, I can't juggle at all. I hated unicycling and now I love it.
Everyone ask me all kinds of questions all the time. It makes me feel really good because I know people are interested in me. I love to unicycle because it is really fun and is so good for endurance. It is so much fun and I think that I will continue into my adult stages.
If anyone has any questions just send a message!!!! Luv ya! Bye!
July 20th, 2009 at 02:30am