Okay, All These Bugs Are Just Irking Me (not the most creative title in the world, but give me a break...)!


I was outside playing with Crystal, and I got attacked by bunch of freaking mosquitos! I wish they would die! They bit up my whole freaking arm! Like what the heck? What's wrong with them? Ugh....

And whenever I see a bug I get paranoid. And mosquitos are the worst, because even though you can't see them or feel them when they land, you know they were there. They leave there mark, just so all their little insect friends could come and visit you too.

(All that really proves is that my family needs to invest in some Off. And not the spray kind, because it just sucks. I want the little clip on one. I don't care how much it cost, I need to buy some. Or a zapper lamps. I've always wanted one because it just looks cool to watch bugs get zapped...okay this journal is getting off topic...I'm done with it...)

July 20th, 2009 at 04:52am