Essay on Love.

Love is the biggest risk you can ever take. You literally put your life, your heart in someone else’s hands and give them the chance to either make or break you. Your whole world revolves around the one you love. Their pain is your pain. Their joy is your joy. The more your love grows for that person, the more you realize you would do anything for their happiness. Even if it means the end of your own happiness, anything to make them happy. They become the last thing you think about every night without fail, and the very first thing that crosses your mind before you even open your eyes in the morning. Your sleep is filled with endless dreams about them, and the only reason you ever leave those dreams is so that you can see their face again in reality. Being in love makes you feel whole because quite literally you have found the other half of your heart and soul. Having found that other half, everything feels differently. Pain doesn’t hurt quiet as much, because no matter how bad things get you can always go back to the thought that you are in love and someone loves you back…and it’s amazing. Happiness is enhanced tenfold because you have found the greatest concentration of joy that anyone can ever feel. And then you start realizing that more tears you cry aren’t from being sad, they’re from unimaginable bliss. Love is the craziest act of sanity anyone can ever experience. Being in love is the most insane and unbearably amazing feeling that you will ever experience in your life. Sadly, true love is only for a lucky few. And not “lucky” people as we see in magazines or on television, the ones that can buy any kind of happiness that we can ever imagine…except for one. True love can’t be bought, you can’t pay someone to love you unconditionally. The luckiest people in the world can range from the poorest soul on Earth to the richest man in the universe. It’s the one thing that absolutely everyone can find, and no one can take away from them. The one thing that everyone looks for and few find, with no one having a greater advantage of finding it than someone else. Love is unconditional. When you love someone, no matter what they do or what they’ve done, you don’t care. You understand them better than anyone else, you know the person they truly are. Which makes you the most forgiving person they can ever find. Because they’re not just someone you want, they’re someone you need. They’re not just someone in your life, they are your life. They’re not just someone you like, they’re someone you love. If I had to chose the best part of being in love, I’d have to say, it’s being home late 15 min., because I didn’t want to leave your arms. Or maybe it’s laying beneath the sky watching time pass as the sun disappears and reappears. Or could it be getting lost in your eyes for an eternity where time stops and there’s no one else alive but us. Everything about being in love is the best part, because love is the best part. It’s the only part that matters. It’s being able to count on one another to never leave, to trust each other with the most intimate of secrets, to be honest about how you feel, to be able to share life’s hardest burdens with a smile. I promise you all of these things. Love is the biggest risk anyone can ever take, and I’m willing to take that risk with you. Forever and always.
I love you.
July 20th, 2009 at 04:29pm