It's time to start wearing big girl pants.

So yesterday, after talking to Stephy (and her ex-stepmom indirectly), it was decided that I'm going to try to move to Columbus by October. Now, this means I'm gonna have to kick my a$$ by then. I need a job, need to save money I make from that job, a car, the list goes on. But, I think if I stick with it, I can do it. I started going through my clothes to find stuff I don't wear/need anymore. I'm hoping that mom will have a garage sale before then so I can make money that way. I have money in the bank too. I applied for a job yesterday, I hope I at least get an interview out of it.

Stephy and I decided that we will lease her apartment that she's currently leasing another year. It's a one bedroom, but it's actually pretty roomy. I think it'll do for the year we'd be staying there. You hear all the time people surviving with less. But this also means that I need to go through my stuff and decide what I don't need, which can also probably be sold. And stuff like my bed and whatnot, I'm sure my mom won't mind keeping here in case I do decide to come back or if I visit.

This also means I need to get used to driving more. Columbus driving is a lot crazier than it is around here. But, I think it's something I need to do to get over my anxieties.

I've actually already talked to my mom about it, which is a HUGE step for me, and she said that we'll see when it gets to be that time. Meaning, she doesn't care, but we'll see if I'm actually still interested and able. She agrees I need to grow up and move on from home.

Next month, we're going down to visit Stephy for her birthday. We'll be joining her for her tattoo session, she's getting a chest piece, and probably going out for lunch or something. Mom will also be able to see where I'll, hopefully, be living by the end of the year.

I'm pretty nervous, but also really excited. I'm more nervous about the driving aspect than anything simply because I hate driving. But, Stephy knows my hatred of driving, so I'm sure if we go anywhere together she'll drive. Maybe I can even get a job where she works and it'll be that much easier! XD

Also, because I got bored today I checked my horoscope from Tuesday. I'm pretty sure it's spot on:
It's a sweet day to be you if the stars have their say, so get out and enjoy yourself in your favorite ways. The more active you are, the better; and the more people you meet, the more fun there is to be had.

Huh!? I did meet quite a few people. I did have tons of fun. I did enjoy myself. And really, I felt luckier than I have ever felt in my life. It was an amazing day. My journal on here didn't even express how great it was.

OH and The NY Times is pretty much delusional. Attack Attack was the best set of the day? Really? At least they realize how attrocious Millionaires and Brokencyde are. Has anyone else even made it all the way through one of their songs? I haven't...
July 21st, 2009 at 12:23am