sweet sixteen

so i would just like to say, happy super sweet sixteen to me. i'm officially still not legal! WOOO! no really though. i need to figure out what and when i'm doing my party. the parents are being difficult.

i'm thinking a bonfire again, and a boat ride...and maybe a few ppl sleep over and we watch chick flicks all night. sounds good to me....hot dogs, smores, birthday cake (i refuse to pay for my own cake this year, as well as be left to eat it alone.)

i kind of like the fact that i no longer am anxious for a week before my birthday just because i get presents. it was an annoying trait. it's nice to just be like 'yeah tommorrow's my birthday, whatever, but hey, you wanna go bowling on friday?'

obviously i added all that unnecessary info to meet the journal length requirement!
July 22nd, 2009 at 07:25am