Unwanted Soda


10 PM.
JaceLyn posted a bulletin saying she wanted someone to go over right then and there.
so who respondes? MEEE
So Mum got up to take me over there and then we were walking around fer like an hour or so and we decided that we wanted a soda..
Well down the street they have soda machines and we had money!
so we grabbed out flashlights and set out on our walk.
but we didnt want to walk out on the street in fear of running into avoidable people (the cops)
and there is a way to get there behind a lot of houses.
but order to do that we have to
hop a fence: stumbled over and couldnt stop laughing.
then we had to
run down a hill: yeah we fell down that hill.
then rounded a corner and
theres a cop car..
no one was inside it and so we though that they lived there and we would be gone soon anyways.
so we get across and we started looking at the choices and we were thinking..

we dont want to carry them back.

so we start to leave and not wanting to run into the cop car thinking that we could just go out on the street.

then BOOM

Jaclyn starts backing up toward where the cop car is and tells me to follow.

well we all know I have really bad vision and I couldn't really see in the dark but Jacelyn's eyes are great.

she just so happen to see a bum stitting behind a car the we were about to walk toward.

so we turn around and run past the cop car to the hill and we DASH up that tripping along the way I might add.

Then getting over the Fence I fall and we wake up a dog in the house closest to us. so we run all the way to Jacelyn's house with out sodas contemplating on what to do next.

so HEY why not take myspace pictures

after a wile of doing that outdoors
we went inside and fellasleep under the coffee table.


Message meeee

I love you guys so much.
July 22nd, 2009 at 09:42am