Some people's children..

This is the exact blog I posted on my piczo..
I posted this immediately after I read a vulgar and offensive comment posted on some girl's piczo by a 12 year old.. I felt it was fit to be posted here.

Oh my fuck, it never ceases to amaze me how many twelve year olds try to make themselves "scene queens". Just browsing some sites today, I saw a few fights between middle school kiddos, about pathetic content, and girls running their mouths where they shouldn't be...

There's better things to do than take pictures of yourself with your hair over your eyes, you in a 'crying' pose or making a 'rawr' face.

I mean, if you're purpose is to do it for fun, sure, all the rights to you. Go ahead, have fun. But if you're doing it with the purpose of making people 'love' or 'follow' you, maybe you've got a self-esteem issue. And not a lack of it, either. It takes YEARS to make yourself famous over the internet, and twelve year old girls aren't going to spark the attention of anyone worthwhile - if anything, you'll become jailbait.

Jailbait? Well, that's what the pedophiles go after. You don't see me posting 02749274 photos of myself.. I have about.. 3 on here, and thats for layout/decorative purposes. For the sake of art, not popularity. Plus, I'm a minor as well, and I don't appreciate comments from creepy men that "are just showin some love. holla back! <3"

And if you're asking 'WTF, LUCIFER? HYPOCRITE. YOU'RE WHORING YOURSELF BY POSTING BLOGS'. Yeah. Maybe I am, but thats blogs. Opinions and expressive writing, not filling up a memory card with useless 'scene' pictures and exploiting myself on the internet.

Truely? I don't expect my blog to snowball, but if it does, I'll be content. This is my venting. And if people post feedback, that's great. If they don't? I can live with it.
July 22nd, 2009 at 04:52pm