
i had the most blissful, euphoric moment of my life. we were sitting in a friend's backyard, situated in one of the most run-down neighbourhoods of the city. four of us in a circle. i had met the one girl before and spent previous nights with her. the two other boys were met within an hour of my first drop, yet we all agreed that it felt like we'd known each other for years. everything was beautiful and we all accepted each other for exactly what we were. it didn't matter that we'd been awake for 24+ hours, tripping for at least half of that. nothing could get in the way of this perfect moment. hunter had broken one of his bracelets during the trip, so we divided it up and claimed it's sacrifice a step to new beginnings. what happened that night, i'll never be able to articulate. but it happened, and i've changed for the better.

i've been transient lately. so much going on. my summer has been a blur of raves, good times, drugs, and many new faces. i think i'm starting to like what i'm becoming.
July 22nd, 2009 at 07:06pm