Harry Potter Icons

Bored, can't sleep, geek... It's self-explanatory, really. Sorry if any of the icons are doubled. That being said, a few of them have the same picture but different text. Remember kids, reading is important!

PhotoBucket = Entertainment

I have another journal filled with Harry Potter icons as well, so check that out too.

Question: What did y'all think of the new movie?

Anyway... on to the takes-forever-to-load-but-is-so-worth-the-wait segment of our journal.

~ Cutesy Icons ~

I know that last one wasn't exactly fitting with the cartoon theme, but come on! Neville is amazing. And on that note, I shall bid you all adieu.

But for the record, this isn't the last of me, I'll probably extend this journal later. Comment if you want me to let you know when I do. :)
July 23rd, 2009 at 08:55am