
I used to watch on as people went about their lives, pretending everything was fine: dandy. I never realized how hurt a lot of people really were because I refused to believe it. Humans are selfish creatures. It's hard to find anyone who actually thinks about others, and means everything they say.
I have issues, I know I do, I will never say I don't. I also know there are people out there with it far worse than me. Because of those people...I don't like to complain about my life, thus the reason my journals will never say anything about my life. Why should I cause other's discomfort while reading my life story, when thier's is worse? I see no right in that.
It amuses me how people say they'll never leave you, and then when you need them most...They're gone. As soon as they feel they can't help you...They leave. I don't know how many times I've stayed up so late my eyes felt like bleeding just because someone needed me. I don't like turning my back on friends. I'm always here when people need me.
My close friends know that I am always a text/phone-call away. I just want to help people, and yet...When truly need someone, they--usually--turn their back on me. I'm not going to complain, people end up with it worse. I, just, will never understand how you can tell someone you love them, then leave them when they need you most. I'll never be able to comprehend how that is even possible.
Some people...Just, make me sick. Sometimes, I wish the world would just speak their feelings; true feelings. I truly believe that a lot of things would tons better than what they are now. Too bad, life doesn't work that way.
If only...
July 23rd, 2009 at 08:57am