And it just keeps getting worse .......

Horrible day. Horrible week.
Ever since school started again, it's been all work and stress all day. No fun for Maggie, can't even think of play.

I missed my tram this morning (even after I got off my bus early to chase after the bus, half running in the clay-muddy ground which, by the way, my shoes have no grip) so I had to wait for the next one, in the cold.

Next, I was late to school, so I had to rush. And remember how I don't have any grip, well the moment I stepped into the school building, I remembered .... because I slipped, and I was carrying bout 3-4kg of books in my hand (stoopid subjects), thankfully, I didn't fall on my ass.

Lunch time, I had a school council meeting, which was pointless and a waste of my precious lunch time and when I got back to the VCE center, one of the teachers that take care of our year level wanted to have a talk with me, even though yesterday, the OTHER teacher ALREADY talked to me about the EXACT same thing !! Which was my Methods teacher is a stupid whore and she wants to call up my parents coz she's a psychotic lunatic from only-Satan-knows-where-because-she-must-be-a-spawn-of-his. The teacher yesterday said he'll talk to my teacher and that I'm usually a good student. The teacher TODAY, said that I'm not putting enough effort (which she wouldn't know because she isn't my teacher and has NEVER been my teacher and I doubt she even knew my name without looking at the list) and that I shouldn't be slacking off this time of the year (again, SHE WOULDN'T KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!). So that wasn't fun.

So after school, I decided I needed to vent, so I went to the arcade and ate Maccas, and as I got on the bus, and was almost home ......... I realised I left my Design Folio at the arcade o.o so I had to go home, drop off my bag, go back out and get it and THEN finally get home and relax. I SO hate being SUCH a klutz, but I don't need one of my best friends to tell me how I should be more careful and less forgetful (as if I can control my memory), which was exactly what she did about 30minutes ago !! And then I moved the conversation away to me being a horrible girlfriend and she suddenly stopped talking and I was like, dude, what the fuck and she was like, I was doing something. So I said, as if you suddenly go off and do something when I started talking about how I'm a little troubled about the fact that I think I'm a horrible girlfriend and she said she didn't realise we were having a serious conversation.

If someone tells you that they think they're a horrible girlfriend, I'd suspect EVERYONE would think it's a serious conversation unless it's a habit of that person's.

There's still 2 hours before the day ends, I wonder how much worse my day may get =.=

Wish me luck, peace out~ ><
July 23rd, 2009 at 02:04pm