life worth living

so... i've been thinking. it's not like my normal thinking. there's been some deep stuff going through my mind. so i thought i should maybe write some of it down... here goes.

there are so many things worth living for, and everyone has their own thing. some people live for money... which is really stupid. some people live for work... again, stupid, in my opinion. there are some that live for perfection, to be the best. that's... pointless. no one is perfect, and no one is the best. likewise, people live to be the best they can be. that's awesome. they're not striving to be the best out of everyone, but the best person in themself.

as all these thoughts crowd my mind, i start to wonder... what do i live for? why is my life worth living? it can't be because of an awesome family life. that'd be the biggest concoction of a lie i've ever seen. it's certainly not for money... or perfection... or any material thing. so... why am i here? why do i think my life is worth living?

in truth, i have no idea. which kinda sucks. it could be for my friends, who i love more then anything and who are always there when i need them. it could be for success... though i highly doubt it. i've never been highly success-driven, although i do like to get good grades and all that stuff. maybe it's...

music. i think that's what i live for. you know how people everywhere say things like "music is my life" and "music is everything to me" and "without it, i'd die"? well, that's me. but it's not like what everyone else says. most of the people who say that have other highs, other things that keep them going, keep them sane. bu music has been my life since the dawn of time. and not just the common music, like on the radio. music is everywhere...

i hear music in the whisper of the wind as it brushes the trees and runs through my hair. i hear it in the clinking of silverware as the table is set. i hear it when cards are being shuffled and dealt, when someone flips the pages of a book, even in traffic jams. music surrounds us, everywhere, all the time. i don't look for it... it simply finds its way to me. i don't think many people can say that...

music truly is my life and soul. being without it would tear me apart. so... finally concluding my rant of the depth of my thoughts, music is everything to me. it's what makes my life worth living.

♥ music is life ♥
July 24th, 2009 at 02:10am